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Filologia Angielska
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Dołączył: 07 Lis 2006
Posty: 136
Przeczytał: 0 tematów

Ostrzeżeń: 0/5
Skąd: Neitherworld

Niewiele jej naprawde, jest na kartkach gdzies porozrzucana ale nie bede przepisywac. Wiele zaginelo, bo nigdy nie trzymalem polskiej poezji. Dlaczego? Nie lubilem jej, bo niestety wysmiewano sie ze mnei nie raz, dlatego pisalem po angielsku...


Tam gdzie spada snieg, slad na sniegu pozostaje, w zamieci widzialem czlowieka, tak mi sie wydaje, zimno mi mamo, zimno mi bardzo, czemuz to ludzie mam istota gardza, czuje sniek w dloni, czuje snieg pod stopami, patrze na zamarznietego trupa obok mnie, czy jestesmy tacy sami? Mamo, dalas mi buty, ale nie dojde nigdzie, dlas cieplo milosci, niestety, nie uchronilo mnie to od wszelakich przykrosci, ale mysle, ze byulem juz gdzies blizej, teraz poprostu poloze sie w sniegu, i zasne, gdzies nizej.


Gdy ostatni ptak odlecial do domu, zgubil sie, (bo) nie powiedzial nikomu.


Jednak woda plynie dalej, patrze na wierzbe, tak opadl lisc, czy juz jesien, mamo powiedz mi?
Zimno, cieplo juz nie, trawa zsycha sie, hej? Czy pozwolisz pojsc za soba? Zgubilam sie ,
nie ida juz swa drogoa, po sladach wracac juz nie chce, bylam tam, nic nie czeka mnie

Cii, zgaslo me swiatelko, zima juz, pada snieg, pusto tu? Moze ty tez... prosze schowaj mnie.
Czerwona plama skrywa snieg, rece me czyste sa, serce me nie, powiedz prosze czemu...
moze lepiej cisza odpowie mi. Boje sie.

Ech... wiosna znow, dlaczego wiosno gonisz mnie? Czy nie zmrozila mnie zima, nie porzucila jesien,
a ty nadal gonisz mnie, wybacz prosze nie chce cie, moze... rok nie jeden minie, lecz predzej
zakocham sie w zimie, prosze opusc mnie, bo wiosno, z toba nadzieja idzie.

Mamo, czy slyszysz mnie? W tej ciemnosci nadal trwie, nie, nie chowaj sie, tak bren przez swiat,
w zelazna maske zakul on mnie, przepraszam bardzo, z bolu juz nie kocham cie.

Zlapie moj flet, farby i pedzel, szybko, nie tu, ale gdzies tam, namaluje swoj swiat, watpie,
ale moze ktos znajdzie mnie, zabrac sie nie dam , to moje przeznaczenie, czy tak? Tik tak,
maly zegar wlasnie padl, nie podnos go, przytul mnie.


Tik tak plynie czas, tik tak jeden znak, tik tak ucichl on, tik tak, nie ma go. Bim bom, zabil dzwon, bim bom, ogluch swiat, bim bom raz ostatni, bim bom, pekl i dzwon.


Co masz w glowie, o moj kochany, co masz w glowie boze zapomniany, czyz nie swiat ten maly? Jesli tak to czemoz moje oczy plakaly, czemoz tkwisz w niebie, tam daleko, chce dotknac ciebie, aniele, gdzies sie podzial, nie wiem sama, powiedz prosze, czemuz tym zyciem pokarana, nie zapomne ci tego, prosze wytlumacz mi jego, chce wiedziec przecie, coz on mi niesie, nie pojme dzis, ni jutro, moze, czas, porsze pwoiewerdz.


Siedze.... Mysle. Nagle rozgladam sie. Coz widze? Dookola mnie las. Las , w którym wiatr gra na drzewach. Slychac czasem ich jek. Tak... Tej symfonii piekna dodaja ptaki, kore mogloby sie zdawac, znaja jezyk drzew... Patrze w niebo. Te piekne, biale obloki. Jakze milo jest je widziec zanim burze przyniosa. Dziwne. NIe ma juz slonca. Ksiezyc spoglada na mnie swymi srebrnymi slepiami. Dziwne. Poruszajac reka dotkalem czasu, tej wody, ktora plynie nieublaganie wymywajac nasze lata... Patrze przed siebie. Coz? Przede mna skala, w ktorej tkwie strapiony. Choc chcialbym byc tam, tam, do miesiaczka uniesiony, to jednak reka, ta reka ktora Ziemii podalem - trzyma mnie nieublaganie. Dziwne. Nie widze swoich nog. Dawno mi je zabrano. Teraz jak pies na smyczy ciagnietym jestem. Moment ciszy... Moje cialo. Kim ono jest? Tam gdzie serce powinno bic z impetem niczym kowal mlotem! Dziura... Me serce na kolcu lodu wisi gdzies zagrzebane... Z piersi wyrwane znowu przez te reke... Choc juz moze go nie mam, to jednak czuje... Jego krwawe bicie. Bol... Tam gdzie usta powinny byc, tkwi knebel. Znowu niewolny - uwiazany. Tak mnie kosztuja moje pany. Bez odzienia, okaleczony, zapomniany. Skory tez bym nie posiadal. Lecz to serce gdzies w oddali laske mi zeslalo i lodem okrylo me watle cialo. Ten lod przeraza mnie. Ta pustka zimna, w ktorej utkwilem, niczym pamiec w kamieniu dawnym. Lecz memu sercu nadal dziekuje, zem zywy pozostal. Choc moze lepiej by umrzec bylo? Nie, tej wygody nie dostana oprawcy. Niech cierpie nawet i wieki, ale chce widziec ich bledy, zamkniete powieki. To co oni w proch obroca, dla mnie pozostanie na wieki. Wtedy ducha wyzione, jesli ktos odda swe troski, milosci i bole, memu sercu i wyjmie zen ten kolec lodu. Ale czy zraniony na polu bitwy wart zachodu? Czyz wart jest troski jeszce jednej, ten co ma trosk wiele? Kazdy... Kazdy nastepny co po moim ciele szedl w pelni swych sil, teraz lezy tak jak ja. I on nie wart zachodu. I on, i wielu innych polegnie. Nie. Sam umierac nie bede. Sam jak roza na lace. I choc kazdy jest kwiatem. Nie kazdy kwiat roza jest. I choć wielu groby postawia, niejedno imie spadnie z krawedzi czasu w ocean zapomnienia. Wielu mialo skrzydla jak ja. Latalismy wysko pod dachem nieba pozostawiajac troski tym, ktorzy latac nie chcieli. Lecz przyszedl czas kiedy ci, ci durnie, ktorzy sami nie chcieli cierpiec ze swego wyboru - sciagneli nas swymi sieciami w zazdrosci kradnac nasze szczescie. Lecz o ludzie! Czy nasza rozpacz, az tak was raduje? Czy tez naprawdę chcieliscie sie dzielic?... Cierpieniem. Czyz nie dosyc lez pochlonal ten obrzydliwy swiat? Nawet jeśli usypac go kwiatami, jesli zalac czystymi wodami, to i tak zgnilby po czasie... Przez nas. Nas samych... Glupcow. Patrzysz na siebie i co widzisz? Cialo, ktore zyje. Miesnie. Tkanki. Ale czy widzisz swa dusze? Prawdziwego siebie? Nie znajdziesz go w ksiazce. NIe znajdziesz go w miescie. Tej klatce, ktora sam stawiasz by bronic sie przed swiatem. To czego szukasz... Nie to nie materia. To uczucie, ktore powinno cie rozpierac. Nie wazne ile razy slowa swe rzuce na sztylety... Nie wazne ile razy bede potepiony. Bede i muszę walczyc by znalezc takich co mego slowa lakna. Moze i oni pokaza mnie swiatu. Jak sam zagubiony w swych myslach, zepchniety w swe jakze kochana czelusc własnego piekla. Smieje sie z was wszystkich. Patrze na was smiejac sie naprawde prze gorzkie lzy. Cierpie za wasze glupoty i ciesze sie z każdego sukcesu. Chce pokutowae za wasze grzechy. Smiac się z wami. Ale w moim zimnym, pustym i zapomnianym piekle tkwie. Zbyt wiele razy odcieliscie mi dlon. Zbyt wiele razy dotkneliscie rana me serce. Teraz... Gdziekolwiek jest nie oddam go. Bede je trzymac. Teraz to co zostanie po mnie, to , to co zostawiliscie ze mnie. Te szczatki co dla wlasnej obrony, zmieniaja maski i szarpia je wrony. To teraz... same szarpia wszystkich dookola. Slepe, gluche i nieme. Szukajac kogos kto by rany me opatrzyl. Mam dosc. pozwolcie zasnac.


Cicha woda przy lesie szumi powoli,
Tam dokonuje wiatr swawoli,
I trzeszcza drzewa zaplakane,
Ostoja sa tam polany nieskalane,
Przemierza je chmura ciemna na niebie,
Nic to nie szkodzi – mowie do siebie,
Leze dalej spokojem uslany,
Nie dotycza mnie tego swiata balagany,
Swieci slonce leniwie – mysl ulotna,
Niczym babielato przelotna,
Przypomina mi sie uciecha dawnego zycia mego,
Gdzie byl bol jak i czleka poczciwego,
Wtem chce stac sie znowu soba,
By byc razem z toba.


Trwam w swej bolesci w pelni samotny,
glos moj juz nie tak, az grzmotny,
dalem ludziom to czego za dnia i nocy uzywaja,
ale czy widza skad go maja?
Ten ogien, ktory krwia swa przypieczetowalem,
to ja, to ja! Im go dalem,
Tkwie z swym bolem zapomniany,
choc los inny moglby mi byc dany,
bo pamiec o mnie w ogniu zapisana,
lecz dla was o ludzie to legeda zapomniana.

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Dołączył: 07 Lis 2006
Posty: 136
Przeczytał: 0 tematów

Ostrzeżeń: 0/5
Skąd: Neitherworld

A book I'm working on:

Iron Blood
Lo sit and listen wanderers... Do not fear me. Yes, I can see the fire in your eyes, aye, I was a young lad full of adventures too. Yes, come closer, find a place and sit. Tis might be m’ last story. Hah, no, tis will not be a story behind the seven mountains nor seven seas, tis be a story of a place near, beyond the silent mountains yell find the truth of me words.

On a warm summer day. There used to be a castle where now none but a rock dares to stand.

There was a landlord. Very powerful and influential. Yet he had neither an open heart nor a closed one. He did what he thought was right but never enforced anything by strength. We, the townsfolk lived in peace as you might call an everyday life in a town. Thievery, diseases and many others occurred if you know what I mean. Now then, the Landlord was a warrior. One in the few and unique, very strong. He used a two handed sword like it was a stick. But the old age got to him, the days of splendor and glory soon passed away, the war cries, fade and companions died. Instead of accepting his fate he decided to use others for his purposes. A private army was created. But not only that. He used the spoils of war, which were stacked in his treasury to buy off lords. Soon he reached the court of the king. They became friends. Indeed tis were a substitute for the loss of his youthly powers. Alas the king was assassinated. His death shook our landlord, how can anyone raise his hand against the king? If they killed him, he’s even more vulnerable. And that’s when List comes into the play. Being known as the last standing wizard, he closed himself in a castle that was build between mountains in the land of ever frost. That kept him away from the church that would burn him if they could. Now, List was not quite what you would call friendly. Last time he was saw he was just an old grumpy man who wanted to have nothing in common with anyone. He left his home as it was and faded into the distant mists of the night. When soldiers came into his home they found nothing special. Herbs, some tools, and a bed that would suit a peasant not a mage. Many thought he died until one day he returned, passed by, and disappeared again. A year passed, he walked through here again, yet not alone. Many carpenters, masons and art workers fallowed him. Yet their faces were as shadows. Like they had a deep dark secret buried within their hearts. Later that night a regiment of knights came here looking for him. Sadly as we are all peasants, they took away our food, played with our women and left in this witch-hunt. Nothing extraordinary as it was in that times. Now, our landlord was silent for some time, many months had passed till he finally showed his face. He was nothing like before. The eyes were empty, some hair grown gray and his hands shook, he could barley walk. It again was winter, the cold wind ripped heat out of our faces as we all stood in a gathering, the lights in the houses threw light onto this strange yet known man. Other peasants were thinking it might be the mages doing. Silence was upon us as he entered a pedestal. His voice sounded like a storm on the sea and echo repeated it many times, his eyes went over us, we could all see that he was in pain and fought with it. This is how sadness and grief took place over an almost stone face.

- “People, I’ve served you well in the recent years. True, I have not
shown myself in a while. But some things have changed as you all now
see. I am no longer the defender of those lands in person. My strength
has left me, my mind is turning weak. I stand before you with a
request. I need twenty men as my guards.”
The snow started falling
- “They will be trained for a long time and may not return to the town till they’ve completed

their task. God knows how much life is left in me.”

The wind slowly faded and his cape stopped flapping. I looked around then and raised my hand. I was just a poor boy, lived out of many jobs, not always in warmth. When you’re a kid, you hear all those great stories about knights, king Arthur, sir Lancelot, Roland and many others. I once had a friend; he wanted to become a knight too. One day he left the town. No more than a month after he was brought here, dead… A sword made the wound. That’s how some stories end. I knew I could end up that way as well. Yet it was better than living like my father did. He was a poet. He wrote a lot. When I go to see his gave I remember that faint smile and sad look in his eyes, that cold that slowly took everything from him. His legs, his hands and at the end, him.

The townsfolk looked at me. I knew them all. Mothers seeing this took their children away, old men stood, as they could not even try to take the task that was stated by our lord. I remember his name, Valgo. That was it… The lord looked sad as the peasants scurried away. He knew he could enforce his law but oddly enough he did not. In total there were four hands risen. One was mine, the other belonged to Fillip Ruskin, we called him Rusty, age of seventeen, small but bulky figure, a bit strong but also fat, some say he was a descendant of a dwarf. He once had rich parents but eventually they thought he was too much of a problem and tossed him out on the street. We all know the story but we keep it quiet. They are rich, influential and hire private guardsmen. He tried coming back but that almost did cost him his life. The second one was unknown to me, a tall man, I’d say age of twenty two. He looked somewhat rich. High leather boots with black leather pants, a big brown belt, simple, no ornaments and a blaster plate. I could see a long sword by his side. The rest as his face was hidden deep within his cloak. Far in the crowd was Owen Hook. He was the local armorer. Don’t know why he rose his hand back then. He had a good job. No wife or children. Hmm… Yes, well anyhow he was an odd looking fellow. Very tall and skinny. But he had an iron grip, that’s for sure. A short black beard and long black hair. Once he rose his hand he dashed to his home as if his life depended on it. When he came back, he had a bag, a big brown bag and some armor on him. And finally it was he. Johnson Witt. He was the son of Valgos right hand man, Courtis. I never saw an argument from his father. The lord spoke:

- “As you can see, four wish to serve me well, the rest runs away from. What is yet to come.

Let me be clear on this. You, the townsfolk should obey me. Yet I am old and will pass away soon, but the one who will come after me will come form the king, I know that man and nothing good will come out of it. Let me express my sadness upon your fate. But alas, uneducated and fearful as cattle you are. I guess that is how God wanted it all to be. Almighty, where is justice you spoke of?”

Then I saw his one tiny tear turn into ice, that very moment I understood the importance that has been set upon us. The townsfolk left in anger. I could hear them speak badly about Valgo for what he said. Sadly I knew he was right. That most of the people were no more than mere cattle. Short sighted and egocentric. The lord summoned us. We stood in front of him. His eyes have changed. I no longer saw suffering and pain but a forge that would engulf us. With silence he showed us to sit in one of the carts. So we did. No one dared to ask to take our belongings. We looked at each other. Only the stranger remained a mystery. We didn’t know him, and as we rode the road the wind showed me a bit of his face, it was covered with a white sad/happy mask. One I used to see in the theaters. Ah yes, that night the mountains were beautiful. Their peaks covered with snow, dark clouds over them and a distant storm. The wind was moderate and a gentle snow fall… That’s how nature spoke to us. I fell asleep, I knew the road to Valgos castle, it was long and harsh way, up to the mountains.

When I woke up the stranger was gently kicking me so I would wake up, I nodded to show him I’m awake and then I saw the castle, we were at it’s gates. Huge gates, all dark, it was build out of the local stone. There were two huge gargoyles staring at us, their faces craved by an artist looked like they would be waiting for something impatiently. My eyes went up; in the darkness and the blizzard I could se the magnificent towers and a gentle light. The clouds covered them... Silent lightning in the distance made this place even darker than it already was. When we got off the wagon Valgo smiled upon us.

- "This is my home, it will be yours as well."

When he talked I was half away. Land of the sleep called me and I could barely make out what was going on. Soon enough we passed through the colossal gates and were inside. Ancient armors covered in dust, the black brick, some red tapestry and shields placed around this place, aye, tis was a magnificent place indeed, I rushed fallowing the rest and landed in my bed, I did not pay more attention to my surroundings but the next day was to change that. When I opened my eyes I expected the morning sun, but all I saw through the gothic window with steel bars was the mountains landscape and a gentle blizzard. When I looked around I was that the room was almost empty. One drawer, one bed and a tapestry on the wall. There was some strange symbol on it, I can’t quite remember it but I know I stood for half an hour there looking at it in awe. The door. They were made out of stone. Same symbol. The unknown man entered, he was the one I saw yesterday, wearing the white mask. He was dressed in a long black coat. That’s all I can tell. His voice sounded like a deep echo, yet soft and gentle when he spoke:

- "Come, Valgo wishes to see you"
- “Just me?"
- "Oh no, the others as well. But someday, you might end up being ... special"

He spoke nothing from that moment on. I followed him. The castle seemed more than huge, many rooms, doors... I could barely make out what is what! They all seemed the same. Same symbols, same color. This place seemed sad. I looked out the window and saw the side of the mountain. Jagged and awfully deep. The mist covered the bottom. That must have been where my town was. Seeing this the stranger said:

- "Beautiful aren’t they?"
I looked with confusion
- "The mountains. So resistant, powerful and unknown. Hmm..."

I could not see his face through this mask but I think he could have smiled that moment. Later on he turned violently and asked me to follow. We passed an arc. The room was enormous, in every corner I could see the gargoyles, their portrays on the walls. Alas there were no windows there.

- "Gargoyles, silent and faithful guardians"

He said as if reading my mind. All were there, Valgo, Johnson, Owen and Rusty. They were sitting on old and very richly ornamented chairs. Dark wood. The table. It must have been the only white thing I saw here. And ofcorse the dishes. Meat, potatoes. Various. Valgo waved me to sit down. I turned towards the stranger, he stood still for a while and left, just before I was going to ask him his name. In silence I approached the table and sat down.

- "Now eat, you will need all the strength you can get. There is a long way before you."

That is how the lord greeted us. I looked at those gathered at the table. Vaglo - silent. His skinny and pale face watched us carefully. He was somewhat ... stiff you could say, face showing no expression, but sometimes you could say he’s somewhat unpleased. Maybe that’s how his face looked all the time? Next spoke Johnson.

- "Master Vaglo, why is the purpose you summoned us here? You could have taken dozens of townsfolk and make them serve you!"
Valgo didn’t even flinch.
- "Hold your words. I can see you took the fire from your father. Now. Understand that the

world is composed of more than is allowed for some to know. Things are to be done and

those which once were spoken to never be heard again. Now"
He waved his hand.
- "Sit and relax while you can. This day is for you to get to know the castle. Tomorrow we

will start"

He stood up not even touching his dish and softly moved, opened the door and disappeared in one of the dark, stone corridors. I looked around again. Nothing out of ordinary. The faces of those gathered here were more than looking like asking questions, but as we all now understood, Valgo was not going to answer our questions unless he wants to. We ate. After we finished the stranger appeared, I immediately stood up.

- "What is your name and purpose?"
He just smirked.
- "You can call me Divu'ar"
What a strange name I thought. Then I realized that all at the table were looking at me. I must have seen like a fool. I quickly sat down.
- "So are you our guide?"
Asked Owen
- "I guess that’s how you could describe my role right now."
He seemed thinking.
- "Strange, unpleasant yet it might prove it's interesting"
I managed to catch that directed to self phrase spoken by Divu'ar.
- "Now, threes nothing really you'd like to see"
He spoke as he approached
- "There fore I shall skip the major tour and just teach you the basics.
- “There are some doors that are not to be opened. Be aware"

He turned around and slowly walked away, soon we realized that we were supposed to be following, we stood up, looked into each other faces knowing the gaffe we just made and rushed into the dark corridor....After countless hours of walking through the palace, it all felt the same, as we were walking in circles. Slowly it started raining. Well, to me it was odd, this high up it's winter... This place was more dead than alive. Outside I saw many guards, yet no one seems to be here but us, I walk past the window to take a look. Mountains, all around us.

- "It seems the storm will be present for the next few days"

Said Divu'ar. Nodding I wanted to join the group but he walked towards me, I stood still. He took a deep look into the mountains and hummed an odd song, it was very silent, I doubt the rest could hear it. So sensitive, gentle but also filled with some strange type of madness. I stood in awe but Owen broke the silence.

- "Excuse me bu..."
Divu'ar rose his hand. He finished the song and turned towards Owen -
- "Yes?"
Owen just shook his head.
- ”Well then, this door leads to the kitchen, to avoid confusion I've
marked the corridors with pointers where they lead. Try to remember
and look out for those. "

As he said this his tone lowered like he had something more to say but could not. The door opened without a sound, the kitchen. It was dark, as Divu'ar lit the torches we could see various things appear. Tables, knife stands, pots. It looked like someone recently left it

- "Where are the cooks?"
Asked John
- "Gone home"

Responded Divu'ar. He asked no questions afterwards as this response was cold as a grave, judging by the looks of this place, all was possible. I watched reactions of others. John went silent and a bit angry, Rusty was as always energetic but ever quiet, his eyes were rapidly glancing over the kitchen, well, to be honest, he was a thief. Not the typical however, he was always on lookout for precious things, but those he found precious. All the torches were lit now. We could see another door.

- "This is our storage room, pick whatever you like and prepare it, the
cooks are not to serve you but Valgo."
I sighted and looked around
- "Now let's move on."

We did. The next room was the bathroom. Not like the small ones we keep in our homes, no. This one was strange, white and looked more like an inside lake, the rooftop was partially gone, the rain dripped inside making a characteristic drumming.

- "If you you'd like to have it hot, there's a chimney"
We took a look, there was wood and coal.
- "Throw the coal or wood inside"
He then turned towards us putting one hand on the chimney as if he was resting on it.
- "Let it burn. Later on throw in those stones in. Use those metal rakes
and shoves "

He pointed, in the dark, dim light we could see them, I'm more than sure that if he did not point them out, no one would see them. While he was speaking I looked around, water, all was made in white stone, the columns they looked at least old if not ancient, they all had plant motives on them, I felt a hand on my shoulder.

- "Greek, a part of the library will be opened to you"
I was confused but he waved to move on.
- "What did he mean by that?"
I asked John
- "Well I don't know, we're on our way to the library now"

I fell within my thought. When I regained awareness of my surroundings we were in a dark corridor. A dead end one. Divu'ar rose the torch. The doors were enormous, at least five meters tall.

- "Woah!"

Broke loose from Rusty. On the left and right there were doors, normal ones. All had the same symbol engraved into them. Three crosses on three hills over a lake over some strange hole with a mountain or something like that.

- "This is the library. You have no right to access the main door. However lord Valgo wishes to give the side libraries to your use."

Then he moved to the smaller doors passing near me, he didn’t even look. As if I was not there! The doors opened and he went inside leaving us in the darkness, as instinct said to us, we followed the light. Rows and rows of books, figures of wise men were engraved onto the walls, statues that were said to be pagan were there.

- "Within those sacred walls resides the power of knowledge".
Rusty poked me and showed me that Divu'ar is crazy. I smiled gently. -
- "This is all you have to know for now, take the torches, lit them from mine, go to your rooms or enjoy bathing or the library."
As we were told we did so, we took the torches and lit them, then Divu'ar left into the darkness of the long corridor, we all watched like the light from his touch faded...
- "Umm so, uh..." started Owen.
- "What do you think we should do?"
John came into play
- "Well I'd suggest that we should get to know each other, better"
- "And how do we that?" Responded Rusty.
There was silence.
- "Well I'll be at the bathroom"
He continued and left off. Next came John
- "I'd like to check the library, maybe there’s some information on Valgo and this place".
I nodded
- "I.. I guess I'll be off to the bathroom too. That strange man said that tomorrow is a hard day. Get washed, rest up and sleep hard. That’s my plan for today."

And so I was left alone. -Greek- flew through my head. I have entered the library, I saw John lighting all the torches and candles so the room could catch some light. I helped him and looked around. Various titles, all looked old. Manuscripts. Leather covered, I once wanted to become an educated man but when I learned the price for one book my dream shattered. So this was as if a come back to the past, yet maybe too late. -Greek- . I looked for that book over half hour and found it. John already was reading one

- "What are you reading?"
- "I found some interesting titles on castles and ghosts."
- "Do you think Valgo is a ghost"
I smirked
- "No, he IS real, however he is strange at the same time. I want to search for some information on his castle. I am a man of a court and I have seen many castles. Yet this one is the strangest and most odd one."

I nodded and sat down reading my book, ancient warriors, thoughts, buildings, art and Gods. I have no idea how much time passed but when I was finished John was gone, I've decided to do the same. Tho doors opened silently, like every other one. Later on, I was in the grasp of the sand man. A silent voice disturbed me, was this a dream? No, she is real. Standing on front of me. Long brown hair, innocent look, dressed like a typical housemaid.

- "Pardon this one but... "
She whispered.
- "Yes?"
- "Oh.."
She blushed, I realized why, I always sleep naked, I covered myself and resumed
- "What is it?"
- "Divu'ar and the rest are requesting your presence in the training hall"
- "Where would that be?"
- "It's downstairs, when you exit through the main doorway, on the right there should be a

small building. That’s the hall"
I got up, grabbed my rags and a towel
- "Tell them I'll be down in a moment"

She left. I sighted, hmm, come to think of it, she’s the only person from the castles service I saw. Maybe it’s just me? I'll have to look into it, but first I have things to take care of.
When I got down they were waiting for me. The sky, gray, silent... The mountains as well. I didn't have a lot of time to think about it, Divu'ar waved his hand and we fallowed him as he went to the training grounds. With a big rusty key and with some effort he opened the hall. It was not as big as I thought it would be. It could hold about twenty men. It would be crowdie however. Yes, I remember. There were big wooden poles with steel rings. They had maces attached their "arms" I guess this was for melee training, some sandbags. Archery perhaps, but yet archery indoors? Resting on the walls was the equipment, various armors, weapons. Maces, swords, pikes, picks, hammers... All worn out from the constant training that must have had taken place here. A bit rusty too. I chuckled gently.

- "Now, choose your weapons and armor. After your done, return to me, you WILL specialize in the akimbo you will choose. So choose carefully.”

His voice was odd. Last time it was like a deep hollow tomb, now as if a commander who lost all his men. Yes, it was rough as the walls returned it to us but I was able to trace some sadness in his voice. His mask, it had a blue tear under his left eye. Owen, Rusty and John were digging through the equipment. I wanted too but when I took one step Divu'ar stopped me by placing his hand on my shoulder.

- “No, not you."
He came closer and as if whispering to my ear.
- "You will fight with bare hands and no armor. Don't ask why. You will feel enormous pain but it’s for your good. Remember it in the truest form, as soon you won't feel anything"

He somewhat had to smile I guess but he turned around and rested his back on a wall. Black brick, same as the castle, four windows, so dark... I touched the wall, I moved my fingers over the marks that were made by weapons... It was cold and rough. I wanted to ask so much more, why can't I choose a big sword and become a real knight? I sat down and stared into the dimmed hall. First came Owen, with a breastplate, a large shield and a hammer. He was a blacksmith so what else he could have chosen I thought. Next was rusty, chainmail, old rusty one and a chipped long sword with a small shield he was trying other things too tho... The shields, they had no insignia, just simple wood and iron ones, beaten almost to the breaking point. I wondered if all great warriors start this way, or was the dream I had simply an irrational one. Then I thought... If I was to tell this to Divu'ar he would probably still think I'm a child. Does he have any dreams? Hmm... John. Longbow and leather armor.

- "While you fight an arrow might come in handy. I see no one thought of that."

There was silence, Rusty simply could not make up his mind. When Divu'ar told Rusty to hurry, he got dressed up in full plate and took a great sword... I wish it was I. I smiled, I think we all agreed in that very moment that we had a real dwarf in our party. I stood up and joined the line.

- "Since you’ll took what you wanted. John, you will be coming with me outside to practice.

A good eye, steel back and a sure hand is needed. I guess your family has some hunting

tradition... Now, Rusty, you chose one of the hardest things to handle. It requires strength

and an ox endurance."
We all chuckled slightly
- "Owen, you are a blacksmith, a hammer is a good choice since you already pound hard.

Now lets work on your awareness."
When he finished those words we heard a rumbling and to our surprise, the big blocks begun to move swinging maces.
- "Now. Owen, Attack that one... "

Divu'ar gave orders to Owen and Rusty, we saw them getting beaten up a bit. Owen had a good hand and made the wood crack but he was hopelessly clumsy. Rusty with his full plate took poundings but nothing happened, he was very slow. Divu'ar said to follow him, he would come back and train with Rusty and Owen later. We followed. Outside. It started to rain gently. He took John and me far away from the training hall. We arrived at a small hill ending with a wall, behind the wall a bottomless pit. The mountains edge. There were few shields and wooden statues serving as targets since they were packed with arrows

- "John, retrieve the arrows. Then shoot at the target. "
- "As simple as that?"
Divu'ar smiled and chuckled
- "Go ahead, shoot then"
And when he did the arrow flew like a drunk man walks.
- "You see John, it's the mountain wind, always unpredictable. Until you are able to learn its

language, you won't be able to hit the target. If you require more arrows, go to the training

hall. I will be there with the rest."
He took out a small hourglass.
- "Train till all the sand is down."
Looking at the hourglass I clearly saw it’s going to be ages. Divu'ar started to walk away.
- "What about me!"
I shouted. He turned his head and threw a small box near my feet.
- "Open the box, listen to it. Then punch the wall. If I don't see any blood or just few drops

on that wall, you might as well go home."

I was shocked. Me, punch the wall? Blood? But one thing was for sure; I did not want to go home, nothing waited for me there. When he left I took the box and opened it, a silent sad tune played. It was as if a sad man crying in the middle of nowhere. My heart was filled with pity for the one who wrote and played this, must have been on the edge of madness. The wall. It was nothing but stone. Soon I started to punch, it hurt a lot. First I striked gently not wanting to damage my fists. I rested often too. Listening to this odd song I faded away. I snapped out of my torpor when a boot hit my face, it was long dawn, and my hands were clean, so was the wall. It was Divu'ar.

- "What have I told you!!"
He yelled.
- "You're not even worth of coming here, you're just a child"
He started to kick me and shouting, I closed my eyes and felt the pain. The box was still opened. He stopped
- "Now, go home I have no use for you"

I think it was the first time I cried not of pain.... I stood up, dashed towards the wall and hit it hard, I screamed in pain, but I did not want to go home. The blood, the wall, they merged. My blood. Divu'ar was standing next to me, he took a whip and whipped me on the back.

- "Harder, faster, harder, faster!!!"
On that day I think that for the first time I felt rage. The box, it closed my mind to everything. I felt the pain, but as if it was not mine. I saw blood, my skin being torn off. I don't know how long it lasted, I faded. The sun, the same voice, it was her again.
- "Wh.. argh.."
I was in pain
- "What’s your name" she looked at me and smiled.
- "Alice"

[-Alice-] it went through my mind. I looked at my fists, they were as new, but the horrible pain remained. I remember Divu'ar's face. The mask, the shut tight teeth and a tear... Who is he? He walked into the room

- "Master Divu'ar!"
She looked a bit surprised
- “Leave us"

And so she did. It was a beautiful morning, a silent one, I could hear the rest practicing, the sun fell into my chamber, the tall window, the mountains at the morning. Divu'ar took my hands, looked at them

- "And all your illness was illusion. And your fever was a dream"

He smirked and left. I saw the box next to me. I knew what it meant. Soon the wall and I met again. There was no one here, not even Divu’ar. I kept asking myself, why was I feeling pain. Did all the great warriors felt it ? Probably but yet they somehow overcame it. So must I. The first punch, I drop to the ground screaming and the ever-present echo screams with me. Not even Johny is here today, they took him somewhere else. I cry, the hot tears are the only thing I can feel now, it’s as if I stepped outside myself somehow. Maybe that was it? I stood up, the world was a fog. The box started to play, how ?! I do not know, till this very day it remained a mystery. I just knew that Divu’ar was near. I felt his sight on me. The box played. I punched again, it hurt but I stood on my feet. I felt like the blood rushes to my hand, like it swells and pulses… I felt every bone in my fist move, every muscle to become incapable to move, I tried to open it, I could not, I was shaking, I dropped to the ground and asked myself a thousand times.

- “WHY!?!”
I shivered, from the cold, the pain and sadness that flowed within me. Soon I heard his steps. He crouched next to me and laughed a bit
- “At least you tried.”
He paused and awaited my reaction but I did not even dare to look at him. Why?
- “You don’t want to show that your weak. That’s a good trait.”

He somewhat smiled and gave me his hand; the box kept on playing; I took it, I felt like I should do it, to trust him. Not my friends, not my family. Just him. He pulled my hand and as I was raising he kicked me in the stomach… I almost coughed my lungs out, he stood there laughing.

- “You consider yourself worthy of even being a knight?”
I watched him with tears and anger building up in me, my eyes were burning and the flame of anger soon covered the pain
- “You….”
I managed to spit out
- “Yes I. Now, what are you going to do”
He laughed at me and then added:
- “Go home!”
- “Why don’t you treat me like the rest! What did I do to you that I have to go through this!?”
- “Now, now. Temper.”

He sat down, seeing this I rushed with all my force. I wanted to hurt him, for laughing, for mistreatment, I didn’t care if I was about to be tossed out from Valgo’s castle. Before I could even blink I felt a horrid pain, a crack. A crack of my own bones. He grabbed my hand and twisted it so violently that my bones broke. He stood behind me, the blood burst onto my face, soon I saw the bones, the ripped flesh and heard his laughter.

- “Now, now. What did I tell you…”

My screams was silenced only by the voice of anger in my head, I didn’t care if I die. Nobody would. I’ll kill him! I’ll kill him! I’ll kill him! I’ll kill him! I rushed forward letting my broken arm to be ripped off, I looked at him and swung my other hand, he evaded, I rushed again , this time I managed to ream him, he rose and attacked me with his bare hands, within seconds my rib cage was broken, I could not breathe, the blood started to fill up my lungs and my memory went blank, I didn’t know anything, where am I, who was he? What’s going on? Soon I felt only a warm feeling, the feeling that rushed into you after a long, hard day when you’re in the bed…

-AWAKE- -AWAKE- -AWAKE- This word was rumbling in my mind. I awoke. My vision was blurred, I could not recognize who is in front of me. I felt as someone ripped me apart, putt together and then threw off a mountain. Maybe that is what happened. I could not move, my body felt so heavy, my breath was hard, the blood, I felt as it was running all over me. Was this…? No, it was not my room. It was different. One window yes, but it was dark, I was laying down and had chains over my bandaged body. I tried to move again… nothing. The maid. Alice. She was here. I’m sure of that. Except for walls, a bed, chains and a commode there was a small pot, precious pot, a pot filled with flowers. I guess she could have not find a better thing… I sighted. I was more than sure that any of my friends would never give me flowers. My memory was slowly being brought to life… Divu’ar. Him. He. That man. Why was I kept alive? My head was full of questions, body full of pain and heart full of anger. Hours of waiting, every second I counted, I wanted to stay awake, to stay aware. Through the window I saw the red dusk light. Was it that time? But I have kept counting! No… I had to pass out… Sad. I could not even stay awake. Let the sand man cover my eyes…
The day. The morning sun shined right into my eyes. Was this another torture? Some one walked in but every time I opened my eyes I saw the blinding light. The curtain fell. Divu’ar.

- “You god forsaken sack of shit…”
I coughed out with my own blood.
- “Now, haven’t we learned our lesson yet? Do tell me if you’re feeling good… Not very

talkative are we today. Let me tell you. I’m doing this for your own good. Maybe I should

ask a different question. Do you think that you were too weak to handle me?”
With all humiliation, he was right, I made a nod.
- “Now, understand that humans ARE weak from nature. That’s why some want to be Gods,

superheroes, but always something more than human. Do they write poems or tell stories

about everyman?”
I shook my head
- “Then tell me, did you feel the pain when I broke your hand?”
- “Y…yes…”
I confirmed and he started to chuckle.
- “So you see…”
He came near and sat down on the bed and went with his soft, fragile fingers, over my cold, blood covered face.
- “There are ways to be better. Look at your friends, they train like regular grunts, they think

they some party of adventurers, in reality Valgo needs just one, one like you.”
He looked at me and took of his mask, I was in awe, he was more than beautiful, yet his yes were black, all black, a void that could engulf me. And a strange sign on his forehead… same as on Valgos library.
- “I see potential in your eyes. Yes. You have nowhere else to go am I right young one?”
- “I can see it your eyes. Your dream. A dream to be more than your father, to find his

respect perhaps, maybe to become someone great to prove your value to the world?

Pitiful… Sad… Childish. As we both know, the church banished all mages and the

common people with their incompetence and fear make a good weapon against us.”
- “Us?”
- “Yes, how do you think your alive? How do you think things are done here?”
- “…”
- “The truth is odd indeed. But more than that, one special unit will always be drowned by the

mass. If you’d become a great person, your so noble heart would be infested with

corruption, politics and God knows what else. Oh yes, if your religious, he’s not

He took a small hand held mirror. I saw my face, all blood and bandages… WHAT! MY ARM!
- “What have you done to me !!??”
- “As I told you, human body is weak. I shall give you a better one, considered by people

hah… unholy. Dive to me. If you can handle it, you’ll become something more than a

human, someone special, time will not be to your concern”
He smiled oddly
- “You will be something magnificent.”
He sighted
- “Now, I shall free your normal hand, this mirror will be next to you, do get accommodated

with your current look.”

He left, I was alone, again. Like always. I thought about my family. They were happy, my dad ever-working, my mother all too caring, yet I left… They were poor, I have seen them starving jut to feed me. I thought they were better off without me. Someday… Someday I wanted to return… on a horse, with a bag full of coins. Is that a bad dream mother? Is it ? The box… It was here, next to me… I took the mirror. My broken hand… replaced by one made from black metal, very bulky, looked like some kind of armor. I could not move it. Was it even working? I doubt it… Soon I fell asleep. When my eyes opened the window was opened soft, fresh yet cold air rushed in, there was food within my reach, the flowers… I saw Alice walking out, I had no strength to stop her. My bandages were changed, my face… left side was covered with a metal mask. I sighted, I felt hopeless, there was nothing I could do but to go further. Sound of silence, the box, I didn’t want to hear it. This place looked more like a temple now. Huge pillars widening on the bottom, dim light and something like an altar. I could see it only with one eye, the eye covered by the mask. I wondered why, for today… I was done. No hope, just despair. I wanted to live. I don’t know how much time had passed, the curtain was down, and distant sounds of something like… a blacksmith, some bobbeling, odd. I…. I was free. I tried to move, I could. I rose from the bed and watched my body, my chest, flesh and metal. Both at the same time. I tried to move my special hand… It moved. I touched my face with it. It was cold… metallic. True. Soon the sounds stopped and I have heard a chant. Loud, as if a choir. Some deep humm and other voices. A heart beat. I checked my pulse. It pulsed exactly as the rhythm of the chant. The door were locked. Wooden with metal bracers. Using my new hand I broke through them. The chant was still on. I fallowed the sound. The corridor was completely dark. No light at all. No windows, no torches. But when I closed my normal eye I saw in the dark. Black and white, the rhythm of the chant accelerated as did my heart. I saw some light, at the end, huge door, opened, dim… blue light… When I took a peek I saw Divu’ar hovering in the air, his eyes were closed and he had a face like stone. It expressed nothing. There was some normal light too. It came from in front of Divu’ar. A huge mold full of liquid steel. The blue light came from a crystal standing next to it. About 2 meters tall. Behind it… a choir of chanters, monks, no! Their clothes, a typical monk rag, yet no body inside. I watched in awe. Still… Did I have a reason to live like this? My body was this of a monster. I tried to sneak up on Divu’ar. Soon I was right behind him, the chant did not stop, the liquid metal slowly flowed somewhere, where? I can say not as I have not seen. I punched Divu’ar with all my strength. He did not even move. I kept pounding him, soon I saw blood running down his ears and lips. I wondered, did he feel the pain or? At that very moment he opened his eyes, my flesh hand grabbed my throat and chocked me.

- “Go ahead, see how inferior you are? You’re stubborn, that is good. But let me tell you that

human mind is simple, inefficient, how many times have you felt the pain of betrayal? The

pain over all?”
The choir stopped, the rags slowly vanished into thin air, the crystal stopped glowing. Only the light from the still hot mold, soon it got darker and darker as I started to lack air, my vision blurred, all the things went silent, I saw what was happening, yet there was nothing I could do.
–To live is to die- I have heard
–I gave you life, why do you want to throw away this precious gift-
I paused, I dropped to the floor and watched the ceiling. I do not know who was standing over me, but it felt good, it felt warm.
–Do you want to live?-
I repeated the question few more times… This strange voice… Did I want to live? No answer was found in me. Was I going to die now? Why? What was left for me?
–Love- What? … Indeed I never found it… but was it worth dying for?
She? Why her?
–Live, love, die-
I started to cry, not by body but by heart and soul… The warmth… Was it her? No. I did not want to die. Not this way.
No I’m not!
I do not want to be!
I’m not weak! I’m not weak! I’m not weak! I’M NOT WEAK! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA…
-How can this be then?-
I will live, I have to live!
–Why? Are you afraid?- I’m not afraid!
–Can you feel your own blood?-
–Can you feel the burn in your heart?
–Submit to it, submit. Let loose what you have kept in you, your anger and fear! You wanted to be a hero, here’s your chance.-
I live… I live… I live!! AAAAAAA!
–Muahaha , now tell me, do you love your body?-
I hate it!
–Do you love those who betrayed you-
I hate them!
–Can you forgive your parents, that they’ve let you die here?-
I will kill them!
–Can you forgive your friends?-
My.. my… my friends…?
–Yes, have they not been present all the time?- I.. I can see them. –Indeed, they are standing here watching you die. Hahaha, now what will you do about it, you, puny, weak and pathetic creature. Died of his own hand. Should that be on your grave? Or should we toss your body away and just forget you existed?-
I must be remembered! I must live! I will kill those who left me, it’s cold… cold… Why?
–No ones here, your all alone now-
WAIT! Don’t leave me! Not here, please, please don’t!
–Oh is that a tear I see in your eye?
- Please… don’t…
-Oh…? Left alone again? Like all your life? Trying to exist in a crowd of people who don’t pay any attention to things further than their hand’s reach? Or is it that you never had nobody?-

I will leave you human
I… I don’t want to be human anymore
–Why is that?-
I’m weak…
-Hahaha, true so true. Do tell me what do you want to be?-
I… I don’t want to feel…
-Feel what?-
The pain… Cold…
-I can arrange that, but you cannot choose what to feel, only humans can do that to some degree… Stop feeling all, do you wish for that?-
-How do you feel now? Do you wish to feel that longer?-
-Then what is the hesitation, just do tell me you wish to forsake all that’s human-
I… I… I do.
–Do what?-
I wish to forsake all that’s human!
–Wish granted. Hahahahaha… -

I stopped feeling. No anger, no shame. No cold. It all went deaf. Silence and nothingness surrounded me. Nothing happened, I stopped feeling my own body. Nothing mattered now. My memory… I remembered the moon… Silver.. The lake? Yes, there was the lake. The moon looked at himself through it. Silence, the wind, grass… It was green, deep green. Was I alone there? … yes. All alone. I came there to cry. It was when I was hungry and left alone, to die? Am I dead? Forgive me. Maybe… I hate people, I asked for food, I asked for shelter but I had no money. Is that all that it takes to gain love and care? Money? Such triviality. I hate them. I hate them all. Even my friends, they all left me when I needed them. I am more than sure that they did not even ask was I missing or dead. Blood. I hate it. Food. I do not want it. I do not want to be dependant on anything. I want no one’s help. Live to live. –Alice- Who is she to me? I loathe her. – Who among you will face the Fury? Who will know of
holiness and fear? And who will be destroyed?- I awoke. The world is black and white. I feel nothing. Not even the chains that hold me, not even the blood dripping from my face. I see it, I feel it not. My other arm and legs are now metal as well. I break the chains, the silence is broken by them, the metallic clang. I do not even feel the floor. Nor my steps. The chains, I felt them not. I can hear. I can see. Divu’ar walks in from the ever present darkness. I can not see the walls. Nor the ceiling.

- “I can see your awake”
he smirks
- “How do you feel now?”
- “I do not feel many things”
I spoke, it sounded like a voice of a wind in a tomb.
- “Now you are more than human. Are you willing to prove yourself?” -
- “Yes…”

He turned around and started walking, I followed him. His steps were silent. Mine were as if a man in a plate armor was walking. The sound of metal and stone grinding together. I felt it not. I could see light at the end, a shadow had passed, Divu’ar probably. I exited. Before me just mountains. On the left, on the right, before and behind. Mountain peaks. I looked behind, it was some sort of a cave. I have no idea who built it and why, yet I saw gargoyles watching me. Huge, stone guardians. I looked at the grass. It was flowing rapidly, yet the wind… No cold, no breeze. Divu’ar tossed me some a cloak.

- “You’ll need this. We will return to the castle. I will show you how much you’ve changed my apprentice. I will show you the injustice of this world.”
He chuckled gently.
- “Now then, follow me”

He rose into the air and flew gently. To me there was just one path, the mountain range. I started to climb down but I fell. Many times. If I was human, I would be dead. I felt no pain. Nor did I see any damage done to me. My breath was always deep, as if the only thing wanting oxygen was my mind and heart. True, at first I was clumsy, I did not know how to control the new elements of my body, yet soon I have managed to overcome the difficulties and use it properly

- “You’ll need much more time to master it”

Commented Divu’ar. I did not respond, just went further, it was as if a dream. Like I was someone else now. Yet I was aware that its me. I liked it. I liked the lack of pain, the things I could do. I was stronger, more resistant and after a day’s walk, I felt no hunger. Soon the night fell. That did not stop me either. The world I saw narrowed, but I saw it perfectly, just black and white. That was sufficient. Colors did not matter anymore. The night had passed, I still was wandering through the mountains with Divu’ar above me. I never grew tired. I never stopped. The mountains, I used to enjoy the heights, the feeling of ear, the magnificence and splendor. Yet now, they were rocks. I did not know what to think.

- “Look”
I looked. There was a village. Some houses were burnt, some people – dead. I saw horses, barns, pigs, and humans. Some were the King’s men. Some just peasants.
- “Do you think that this is right or wrong?”
- “Wrong”
- “Then tell me, why did you desire to join those men? On one side, yes peasants are non

intelligent, on the other the knights are just greedy murderers. What will you choose?”
I stood there, I had no feelings
- “I see. Now let us enjoy the show”
I watched as pigs, cattle and horses were taken by King’s men. I watched the futile peasant’s struggle. Some were killed. After time, it ended, the knights were gone.
- “You see my dear one, world is not consisted of noble people. Stop living on fairy tales. The world you were living in, tell me what was it?”
I said nothing
- “Hmm.”
He rose his head and watched the sky
- “There are really few people in this world who use their mind for a greater purpose than

satisfying their basic needs. True, this world is a home to great people as well. Yet, from

your experience, tell me, how many mages, witches and wise men were burnt? Some evil

yes, but didn’t your God say : Do not kill? Haha. Now, understand, this village is not the

only one, most of the world is ruled like this. By misunderstanding, greed and all of

human flaws. I gave you a new, strong body, you rejected your humanity, yet your dream

is shattered now as well”
He sighted and has grown sad
- “I will continue to train you, to help you understand all flaws, your power and what life brings before you. It’s not an easy path…”
For a moment I thought his voice trembled, as if he could cry.
- “Now, the castle is a day from here, next morning we should reach it. Wear this cloak at all

times, do not tell your friends what happened, it’s an injury you took when going over

mountains. That’s all.”

He flew, I followed. Soon the castle was in sight, the magnificent, dark castle of Lord Valgo. We approached it. Unseen, in the raising sun’s shadow. Once the gate has been reached, Divu’ar opened it with no touch at all. He was one of the last mages who were enough powerful or well hidden, so that the raising army of the Church could not kill them. The courtyard was empty.

- “I shall leave you for now. Go to your room. Take the box and go to the wall.”
- “Bo…”
Before I finished he replied
- “Learn to hate it, just like I did.”

To hate such a wonderful melody. I did as I was told. Marching through the endless corridors of Valgo’s palace I reached my chamber. It was grim as usual. The window was broken and a curtain was covering it. The dim morning light embraced me as I entered. The bed… It still had my blood on it. Nothing changed, yet I found something under my pillow. A note (Please, don’t…) I started to wonder who would write such a thing… I laid down on the bed. It was no longer soft, it was no longer anything. I had no desire for sleep. –The box- I stood up and took it, I did not dare to open it. I left my room, not even closing the doors. I saw Alice, when she saw me she looked like she was about to cry. She passed next to me, not looking into my eyes. I do not understand her. I was no one to her in the first place. We don’t know each other. Sighting I moved on.

- “Sir?”
She talked to me
- “Sir…”
Then I have heard footsteps. Probably Divu’ar or someone else. She looked down onto the floor, a tear dropped, I walked away. I felt nothing. I just knew what I had to do. It was John.
- “Hey!”
I turned towards him
- “Dear God! What has happened to you?”
- “Mountain accident”
- “My, I say, is this mask necessary?”
- “Yes”
- “So it was true what Valgo said? That you’ve tried to be a hero and wanted to reach the old

castle? Searching treasures perhaps?”
- “Yes” “Would you be so kind and tell me what have you found there?”
- “I have never reached it. Divu’ar found me laying in a puddle of blood. My blood. He cured me a bit and brought here” “I see… Well, I’m off for my daily archery training”
- “So be it”

I left to reach my wall. When I did, I have heard sounds of battle coming from the training hall. Probably Owen and Rusty were swinging their weapons. Sighting I punched the wall lightly. No pain. Harder. No pain. Harder. No pain. Punch. Punch. Punch. Punch. Punch. The wall has begun to crack. Soon it was laying as a rubble. I went to the next section and repeated it. I punched the wall lightly. No pain. Harder. No pain. Harder. No pain. Punch. Punch. Punch. Punch. The wall fell. I thought I should be happy. But I was not. I felt nothing. Just knew I had to bring down the whole wall. By dusk it was done. When I was walking back, the wind has gotten so strong that it ripped the cloak of me. Then I saw Divu’ar, Rusty and Owen. I walked towards them but Divu’ar yelled:

- “There’s the beast! It consumed your friend! Now on, on! Show me what have I thought


They both rushed at me with a war cry. I felt nothing. I just knew I had to defend, wait… something was wrong, I could not understand what. Then Owen’s hammer landed on my shoulder. I felt nothing, he kept pounding me, Rusty in his full plate armor was slower. I tried to hit Owen but he blocked my fist with his shield, the shield cracked

- “Die you beast!”

He yelled. My second hand grabbed his neck when he was ready to lunge onto me. I squeezed it, soon something cracked, his hammer fell to the ground, his eyes were all red and blood was running down his cheeks, the neck was now no wider than a stick. I had to let go when Rusty’s great sword hit my waist. He was fast with it. Before I could react he swung it again and knocked me to the ground. I wanted to get up but he mercilessly pounded me. All I could feel was the force that pinned me down to the ground. I tired to block his attacks with my hand, on one of those hits, the sword broke, he was confused, I managed to stood up, he thrust the broken edge into me, I saw fear in his eyes, then I bashed him with my head, he went stunned for some time, then I punched him, the plate armor bent. Another punch. Bent deeper. Punch. Cracked, Rusty was coughing blood, on his helmet a stream of it was visible. Punch. He exploded with blood as now the armor confronted his ribs. Punch. He dropped to the ground. I have heard him wheezing, crying, screaming, slowly it went silent. Then I saw Alice run towards me, when she got near I punched her, she fell on the ground. I… I didn’t want to hurt her. There was something strange. Something that stopped me. On one hand my body anted to hit, on the other I could not move

- “What’s wrong? Can’t you hurt Alice after you killed your friends?”
Said Divu’ar. He was right. That was wrong. I knew it. I could not feel but I had feelings in my memory. Alice was crying, I saw blood on her lips.
- “Well I’ll leave you two together. A nice show it was. Hahahahaha. Now I must be off.”

He jumped up and vanished into thin air. I looked at my hands, blood running down them. Marks of sword and bents from a hammer. How.. How could I have done that? To my friends. No. I was right. I hate people. I hate what they did to me. I hate to be alone. I hate feelings. I hate you all! I rose my hand over Alice. She stood up and looked into my eyes. I could not move. I saw… I saw … What was it? This feeling paralyzed me. Her eyes, it was like I saw my soul in them. She leaned forward and kissed me. I wanted to cry, how… I wanted to feel bad… how… I screamed to the heavens with all my might, then dropped on my knees. She crouched and spoke something, but I could not hear it. I was locked away from the world. I noticed that I was crying. Tears were running down my cheeks. She leaned forward and licked them off gently. I … I could feel. Something was burning under my left eye. I stood up.

- “Alice… what have I done.”
She was silent
- “Wh…”

She placed a finger over my lips and kissed me again. I felt her warmth, my heart, it was as if squeezed, I could not breathe, I… I don’t know what happened. I lifted her up and went to the castle. I knew that I had to protect her. I saw the marks on her hand and neck. Marks of sorrow, despair and treachery. –Valgo- Who was he? I turned back to look at my dead companions. I swore that that would never happen again. My feelings were back. I knew I needed them. I have been proven wrong. –Divu’ar- What is his goal? It is probably beyond my reach. It was time to take some actions and find out what is going on here. And who hurt Alice, what did she know about me, to treat me like that. The questions had to wait. She was asleep now. In my arms. Safe arms. I followed the road to Valgos castle. I watched her face, silent, still, innocent. I kept on wondering, did she knew me? Somehow I felt very connected to her.

The gates, the same gates that welcomed me here. After I have opened them I went to my room, placed Alice there, the next thing to do was to reach either Valgo or Divu’ar. –The throne room- I thought. But something told me I should go elsewhere. I rushed through the corridor. I knew Valgo had no guards here. I never saw them. Passing through the dark, black brick corridors, I thought of what was to come. Was I able to overcome Divu’ar’s power? Perhaps. I just wanted to know the truth. Who am I now. Where is my dream. The throne room doors. Big, massive. Mostly wood and iron, no special ornaments or markings except for Valgos heirloom markings. I opened them, there was silence. Through the two windows light fell on the throne. The tall, dark wood throne looked grim. Covered with some inscriptions and faces of pain, gargoyles. I wondered. There was no one here. The table we used for dinner was clean and well prepared as ever. Silverware was set as if waiting for the dishes. The room created something of a tension. There was also a long red carpet leading to the throne. I have entered. The metallic sound of my steps echoed. A note? Yes, a note was left on the table (I know you’re seeking answers, go to the library to find them – Divu’ar) So I did. Soon I stood in front of those magnificent doors. Strange markings again drew my attention. I felt strange radiance from them. My heart was coming to my ears. I could hear the beat. Fast, unstable. I touched the doors. Oddly enough they were made out of stone. I wonder if anyone could actually open them. I knocked, to my surprise they started opening. Inside I saw the dark floor. Some torches and some lecterns. Divu’ar and Valgo were there.

- “How nice of you to come.”
Started Valgo
- “Divu’ar told me a lot about you. If what he says is true, then you will be very useful to

- “You have no right to decide who I am. True, I was deceived by Divu’ar…”
- “Were you?” replied Divu’ar
- “Listen carefully, you’re still imperfect. The remaining heart spoils everything I have

worked on.”
- “You have worked on! You… You made a monster out of me!”
- “Now have I? Who was asking to live, who’s anger and pain led to this what you are now?

Hahaha. I just gave you an opportunity, you gave me motivation.”
- “True, I felt angry, I did not want to be weak..”
- “And you are not”
- “…”
- “This only proves how trivial your mind is. How easy you are manipulated. Now then,

shall we commence lord Valgo?”
- “Yes, yes, let me see what you’ve promised List.”
- “List? If you were here, why were we brought here”
- “Since now you know my true name there’s no point in hiding it. You see. I’ve

manipulated your young minds. I needed someone like you. Someone with no place to go,

with ideals. It was more than easy really. I also needed your fury, anger and hate. Sorrow

as well. What better way is there than to make you kill those who you treated as friends.

As a safe zone from this world. Hah!”
- “You… you…”
- “To be honest, if you didn’t recover emotions, you’d be useless. You would not survive

this what is to come.”
A blue circle with strange symbols appeared on the floor. I was in the center, I wanted to move but yes, my metal parts moved, those of flesh would not, I felt pain.
- “My magic is useless against objects. However your flesh is a different story.”

- “What do you want from me?”
I threw through my teeth
- “Just you. Lord Valgo wishes to see Immortality. Only way for that to happen is to create a

body, a body that is timeless”
He started doing some strange figures with his hands
- “But a body like that can only be created by suffering, pain and in the end madness. In

other words, I’ll exchange your life, emotions, and everything else for a metal body. Later

on Lord Valgo will take possession of it. Truly magic has it’s ways, does it not?”

He smiled and started to walk towards me, I could not even speak, he entered the ring , his hair were struck by a gentle breeze. He closed his eyes and slowly merged his hand with my body. It went through metal and flesh slowly going deeper. Then something as if caught my heart. I was more than sure that it was his hand. I felt his fingers wrapping around it, then he violently pulled it out. I lost my breath, my eyes started to flood with blood, my lungs! The world started spinning around me. I saw his hand, it.. it was my heart, still beating, I could feel through it, I watched blood erupt around, the circle had vanished, using my last strengths I managed to put my hand where once my heart was, there was a hole, Then the reality shifted, I saw as from the shadow a huge three and a half meter tall figure started to walk out, black, all black, no eyes, no mouth, I felt as my hear was being cut with a knife, I saw it. The blood erupted again, the metallic creature drunk it. I started to fade away, soon I saw something like a tunnel, I felt as every piece of flesh was being ripped off my body, then I saw my body laying on the floor, and my own heart being held next to my face.

- “I wonder how it is, to see your own death!”
Laughed List. I wanted to speak, to move but I could not
- “Now, this hear is you! A single, fragile element that keeps you alive. Your soul, for

eternity will be bound to move this body. Hahahahahahaha!”

He started to squeeze it and slowly all strengths had left me. I felt alone, so alone. –Alice- -Alice- I cried, she came, as from nowhere she emerged from the shadow and trusted a sword into List’s body. He smiled

- “Well now that’s unexpected”
And fainted, she grabbed my heart, I felt her warm hands on it
- “Now, now Alice is this the way to treat your masters will?”
She said nothing but shook her head.
- “Be a good girl and give me my IMMORTALITY BACK!”
He bursted and stood up from his throne
- “It is mine! You have no idea how much I’ve sacrificed for this!”

He took a whip, my heart, its started to beat again, I knew I had to save Alice. I stood up, Valgo looked with fear in his eyes. He was small. I took a step a rumble could be hear. Valgo started to run. Alice looked at me and reached her hands with my heart on them. I nodded and begun my chase after Valgo.

- “Wait”
She said. I stopped and crouched to look at her. Her eyes, she still had my soul in them. She was hurt, badly. Not by body but by mind. I felt so much pity.
- “Sir, let us just leave… p

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Dołączył: 07 Lis 2006
Posty: 136
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Skąd: Neitherworld

I book that I have finished:

Chronicles of Zed

I wrote this book for many reasons. Some from life, some just made up. It might seem that this book will be just a simple story, but it is not. Also it is recommended to somehow reach "Atrium Carceri: Cell block" to fully experience the mood of this tale. Enjoy!


Not for people who:
- Are not mentally resistant
- Are under age
- Are allergic to violence
- Are wishing to read a fantasy story
- Are not thinking about what they are reading



First day of rest. Free from the agendas, propaganda and war itself. For a moment at least. Strange, this long destroyed bridge, eternal darkness and musky smell of air.... But the horror of my teammates still haunts me. Probably someone will find this data pad someday. Maybe I should explain. Ah for fucks sake, there’s a war going on! Burned corpses, dying soldiers, raging machines. Don't think it’s just us versus the metal men. It's man against man, machine against machine. Quite sad someone said. Not to me, I was born and trained here. The propaganda says that if we activate four main generators, the lift to the hatch will be activated and the war will end. What's the lift? An old artifact of sorts. See, we live underground, in huge destroyed and ancient cities. Fuck, I don't even remember who and why started this damned war. I just keep on fighting. It's always dark, unless you have a flare, flashlight or you’re near machine camps, there’s no light. If you walk this land, everywhere, decaying corpses, dying people, traps, and concrete blocks. I just keep wondering why the machines keep pumping air here, we could just die and rest in peace. But we live, we push on. For Eden. That’s what's supposed to be outside. *sight* I just hope to gather a crew and try to do something myself. The problem is, when something that looks humane starts to move, the first reaction is too pull the trigger, both sides. The doctrines, all useless. Young kids indoctrinated and sent into the meat grinder. Damn.. It’s cold, again -5C. I've got few flares left, no water or food. I'll have to hunt. If not the few animals or supplies, then humans. Damn, I hear the search party, too bad.




I’m wounded. Bloody hell. I’m not the prettiest of sights now. Covered with frost, blood and dressed in old military rags. Sometimes I think I should be dead. I just slaughtered four young kids. Just a bunch of brats who got their guns and orders. Soldiers. That’s it. Nothing personal. Luckily for me they had food and clothing, most important - flashlights and guns. There’s no robot activity in this area. That’s good. To take one down costs a lot of effort. Besides I think I saw one of those "travelers" camps. A gathering of dying people without purpose. Oddly enough, they will die as soon as the "law" enforcement will find them. I hate those creatures myself. But I pity them, as I am now soon to be one of them. Skinny, with dead like eyes, all pale white and yet covered with filth, mud and wounds that wish not to heal. They are one of the sins of war.




Don't have much time, I’m being chased, found someone who's willing to help. I’m still alive.




Many days have passed since I've been living like a zombie, full of anger and pain, not able to express anything. I was out cold. Hard to admit that life is still mine because of a random stranger. With another search party at my back and under gunfire, it’s a miracle to even found somebody. The partisans hide in the ruins, creatures fade to dark and machines are not here. She’s beautiful. I haven't seen many women, maybe that’s it. Also like me, a runaway special unit. Strange, it would seem that the better trained we are, the higher we go, the more we understand of the nonsense that is being told of what's going on. Her name is Methriel. Now it's time to heal, rest a bit and try to survive. I'm lying in a tent next to a pillar. The pillars are humongous structures, about 7000 meters tall and as well thick you might say. They hold the ceiling. Why haven't they been blown up? Don't know and to all you smart ass scientists, we can’t dig out because we don't have the equipment, nor the possibility. Even if we tried, the machines... There are no safe places here...




*distant gunshot sounds**yell "forward men!"**footstep sounds* Hey guys! Look what I've found! *loud, near gunshot sound and a scream of pain*



A day. Day of blood. My gun is still carrying gun smoke trails. The pad, all blood. Putting a bullet through mans head isn't so difficult as it may seem. The pursuers are dead. All blood. Another pile of corpses to decay and feed the rats. I think they will outcome us all. As for Methriel, I gave her a gun. Not a wise choice since everybody is everyone’s enemy. I’m still alive yet I need still some time to patch up my wounds. But no time is available, there’s just death and tension in-between. Even the ground seems to smell like death itself, more and more... In the days to come I have many things to do. All my military training can not go to a waste. Time to change things and repay those bastards. For all they did to my men... and me. Maybe I should have been executed... maybe... Now I have a new order. My own.




Some time has passed, I feel like a beaten down dog. Always on the hunt, always on the lookout. Some things have changed. We reached an unmarked area, not on any of maps I know. Deserted. Not even a single soldier or machine. No Ghouls, no humans. This place is dead as it can be. Methriel said that this is what they call death zones. The old name for it is the City. She convinced me to scavenge here for a while and so we did. Found some batteries, which will come in handy. Old cars, buildings. No weapons. No bodies. Odd. After some time we saw light. I went for a scout, probably the machines. There was no security but I've felt watched. Maybe it's what they call a war syndrome. The place had doors, wooden ones. Stairs and just one floor. Undamaged by the war. There was either fire or electricity inside. Can use both. No drones, no sentries. I went inside only to find a lot of paper. Useless to me but after my report Methriel said that it is to great importance that we stay in there. We did. She grasped paper like it would be food for a starving man. I didn’t see anything special in it. She did. She was reading. When she took one of the books about two hours later from our entering, she was terrified and yelled to run. I saw no sentry yet I knew she was right. After we went far away I saw the building go either stealth or disappear. She had a backpack of books and I had a question. I don’t believe in demons nor in ghosts. I’ve killed many people and none of them ever came back.




When the orders end the thinking starts. While she was asleep I went back to the Death zone. I saw the building in which we were before , all dark, old and ruined. The doors were shot whit a grenade launcher I think. Inside nothing but ashes and rotten books. There was no ceiling. I felt odd, like something inside shook. The building was no longer solid so I left. I took a walkabout and searched through the area. Found nothing of use. Nothing more than a newspaper. I was old. About fifty years. I had no knowledge of this language but I’m more than sure that Methriel would want this. I took it and left. On my way out I felt watched. I went into a building and was on the lookout for the whole night. Nothing happened. When the data pad showed that it's 6 in the morning I went to her.




We are running out of water.




I saw fear in her eyes as the last of humanity mayhaps died in her. As a soldier I have no regrets of what I forced her to do. It was a necessity. Since we had no water, I’ve hunted down some ghouls and let their blood fill up our flasks. It’s not the best but it will do. I kept her in the dark till she finished drinking, she never saw what it was. I told her. She almost puked. Sad. Later on she was beating me with her arms telling me I’m a monster, I could not deny it.




I showed Methriel the newspaper. She said that it’s too old to read but she managed to make out some words about a place, a base. I checked with my maps. No record of it exists. It's about two weeks away from here. If it has ammunition, food or water it's worth going to. All tho... the power plants in nearby area are still active. Machines would be on our necks. Fight, win, prevail.




Seems like the place is deserted *mechanical sounds*




Th...shhhhhhh..... arth......shhhh...... ork... shhhhh. ok. This should do it. Damned thing got blasted. The machines awoke as if somehow they knew we were coming. I saw something strange, they dragged dead bodies. To what use, I don’t know. Neither the uniforms they had on them. The further I go the more I realize that the world as it was presented safe and controlled is a lie. That we, the UEA (United Empire Array) have not been the strongest force. Not here. The main lift might be a lie. Who are my enemies now? I know I have to protect her, she’s my teammate now. When I look at her scared face and clothes drenched in blood and dirt. I think she’s... No I am a soldier. I can’t think of things like that. She’s ok for now. We owe our lives to Theft as he calls himself. I do not know his intentions but I know he’s a pro sniper. Either I take him down, take his NV goggles and IR scope or... Lets just see what happens. We shared food. For now, I’m watching him.




Theft seems to be all right. During our trip has been more than useful as a scout. He will work for us as long as we have food. I don’t like that kind of a view. For me he’s a potential enemy. Methriel seems to trust him, as he’s good with forgotten art of electronics. He seems to know a lot about the machines but nothing that would give us a clue to their intentions or reason why they are here. And...

- Hey!

- Theft what are you doing here?

- What do ya think? It's bloody dark and I need a battery to keep my NGs working ya know.

- Here, take one.

- Hey, is that e data pad? Oy, haven’t seen those in ages, lemme get a look.

- With an intention of?

- Oy, I can work magic with thos lil bastards.

- Here, if it dies , so might you.

- What’s with teh grumpiness all of a sudden? It's gonna be fine.




The data pad was hacked by Theft, a lot of information was uncovered. Locations of UEA bases. Tactical data. It seems that UEA was fighting with some strange half human half-machine abominations and that it was just a matter of time for them to get overruned. That’s why they recruited kids like John. Poor kid. Barely held a rifle and didn’t even get a chance to fire. I still see his legless torso soaked and crawling in horrid agony. The troopers went over him, so did I. Sad. That’s the fate to all of us. We managed to get some fusion cells out of the sentry droids that we destroyed but something is bothering me, how did they know we were coming. And what’s with the attempt to say "Drop your weapons”? As far as the history goes no machine ever attempted to talk. One more day and we will be at the base the newspaper spoke of. (The article "Hideous Truth")




It took four days to even find the entrance to the base. No sentinels spotted ... yet. I’m more than sure that they patrol this area. The entrance was breached, laser cutters from the marks of it. Burned skeletons, it was hell of a fight here

- Oy boss man!

- What is it?

- I think I’ve gott something 'ere

*step through rubble sound, metal clings*

We found another data pad.

- Theft , can you crack it?

- As long as it’s intact and gots some powa yeah guess so.

- Do it, Methriel cover the perimeter, be on stand by. I'll explore the base. If you hear anything, leave me.




Concrete walls, blackened and chipped from explosions, shells all over the place, decapitated skeletons dressed in T51-b power armors. Outdated yes, but I wouldn’t mind having one. The storage rooms are breached as well, seems like they have had barricaded themselves here, a good pile of corpses. Still I can’t find any bodies of the attackers. *Blip, recording on* [Decapitated soldiers all over the place, long dead, all bones, a zoom on a power armor helmets visor shot through, shells, barricade and some heavy guns all broken and rusted.] *blip, recording off* Have to save memory. I’m on my way to the main storage room.




The storage room. No traces of fighting all tho all crates and the doorway have been breached. The remains of food are of no use to us. I’m going for the weapon storage.




Some old fashioned .50 cal and 7.62mm also 5.25 mm. Can't seem to find the guns, I’m going for the squad to secure this.




- Ok, Methriel cover the corridor, if anything moves, shoot it.

- But were two floors underground, what could possibly move?

- Be aware or be dead. Now get moving. Theft!

- Ya?

- You know electronics.

- Yeh it's a way of life when living next to those metal buckets.

- Ok then, salvage whatever can be used.

- Oh hell yes, there's some good ammo here, guns too. Shit! C4 and semtex even!

- Hmm.... Ok well blow the doors over there to see what’s behind them.

- Ey boss man, I know noting bout the explosive shit.

- Don’t worry, I have that covered.

- Ok just don’t be blastyn my head of.




We found guns, ammo and battery packs. Methriel is armed with a FN FAL 7.62mm and a M29 .44 Theft has had his sniper riffle refitted for 12.7 BGM ammo. It’s AP now. I’m armed with something many generals spoke of with fear. After the smoke of blast went down I found a GOLEM. The power for it is down and it has no armament. Theft says he could get it running. If he does, it might be a cure for some of our trouble. Methriel reports that there have been some odd sounds in the area. We better hurry....




After a long night of fights we are running low on ammo. We used even the stationary GAAT (Ground Antipersonnel Autonomous Turret) and LLT (Light Laser Turret) guns. Waste of energy. And yet we don’t know what we were fighting against. Like pure black humans but metallic on the inside, I found no bodies, no traces of blood. No nothing. We have to evacuate. The golem can wait. I marked the location of it and hid it well. The next target would be to see if the four superior power plants for the main lift are really true.




A long scouting mission revealed no more but that the whole place is crawling with sentinels. Machines and their hellish glow.

*sound of someone walking on some concrete and sand*

Hmm what’s this?

*blip, the camera turns on and with weak light records a pit made in ground where bodies similar to those of previously seen soldiers are headless are piled up. Then it turns off*

Odd. All bodies seem to have their heads chopped off. Can't see any near.

*sounds of walking through various rubble*

- Ey boss man, whadcha looking at?

- Shhhhh!

- Oh....

- What the.... ey, ey, you've seen this?

- Yes, now I’m looking for their heads.

- God damn it. Do ya think machines could have done that? Or is there something we don’t know 'bout?


- Hmm.. Be quiet for a moment Theft, get some lite focused on those bodies, I’ve been living in the wild

areas, I might know the answer.

- Ok. If you find out something let me know ASAP. I'll be the point man for a while, stay awake, stay


- Where are you movin boss man?

- To find something.

- Your one oddball aren’t you?

So I went. Found some old ruins to the northeast. Small town. Some hand made shacks, all rotten, being digested by fungus. No traces of other life so I went back. Methriel and Theft found nothing about the missing heads. However it seems that those bodies belonged to healthy and well-raised humans. Most unlikely that they would come from the wilderness or the wasteland. The machines? I doubt any human would co-op with them. Or maybe? We took their ID cards. Doesn’t seem like a known sign system. Judging by the encryption - military job. There might be a presence of some not yet encountered force in the area. Theft will be working with those ... if we can get him the proper equipment. I wonder, why no one has ever breached machines base. At least that’s what we have been told. Is it too risky?




We found a man dressed in a lab coat. His name is Jacob. He speaks a language that Theft and I can’t understand and Methriel barely. She says it’s a language her grandmother spoke. From what we now know he’s hunted. He’s afraid and hungry. He came from the north. He was hiding in one of the old buildings. Armed just with a shiv. He seems terrorized, Methriel patched him up and I ordered Theft to shoot him at the first sign of any unknown disease or aggression. For now he’s safe...




*Blip, the camera turns on*[ and records a search light and something like a tank, yet with no cannon moving around making hellish noises]

- Oy, this is bad idea to film those things...

[a sentry drone appears, like a hovering spider with no head and a very egg shaped torso, all silver metallic and with red light along the sides and one main search light, the camera then moves to show Theft, a man dressed in a old destroyed long leather coat, short brown hair, a rifle over his back and NG goggles put on. Then it moves to Methriel, a well built tall woman dressed in some rags, with a very long pony tail, dark hair and finally Jacob, a man with glasses, small frame, a white lab coat all stained with his own blood and covered with dirt, multiple cuts, all sweaty, short dark hair, looking like he just saw a ghost, hyperventilating. Blip, the camera turns off]*sounds of machinery and some odd bass humm*

- Move out, Methriel take Jacob, Theft move with Methriel, were pulling back, now.




We have been captured by the machines... Now we are sitting in an all-clean, steel room, just one door. And this horrifying white light. For most of us, darkness dwellers it's somewhat of pain. Theft has lost an arm. They took him, I do not know where too. Methriel is with me but they shot Jacob on sight. Strange, instead of just killing him his body was pulverized by a barrage of bullets. Ripped to shreds. Never before did I encounter needles brutality form the machines. All we can do is wait. Disarmed, separated...




Theft is returned, naked but with an arm back in its place. Artificial one. Seems like the machines care for us after all. Theft says he saw some strange things. Not really sure which one was a dream and which one reality. He talks about machines performing various operations on well-bred humans such as myself. All the darkness dwellers are used as meat and undergo most horrid ones, as I understood from his description. I’m surprised he’s alive. He’s not a pure breed. ^Umnz bee prpd frr the upld yf mmr^ "What the hell was that?" ....




Were back on the wasteland. I don’t understand. The machines came, patched my teammates up. But I was put through pain, a pain of which I had no idea that could exist. They electroshocked through my brain. I reminded myself of strange things, things I was not only not aware of but also memories that were not mine. I now know the exact location of some machine camps. I know the layout of power plants one and four. They do exist! I know where the lift is. I know more but at what a cost.... by skin has been removed, some of my muscle tissue and all of my bones.... My bones are now ... I don’t really know I might just assume, metal. My skin is... I have various implants, a Serial number: Unit 217. They have put us to sleep and tossed out. We don’t really know where we are. Not the place we were before, that’s for sure.

- Boss man, ya look like on' of dem, how can we be sure ya wont kill us with teh first chance ey?

- I’m not one for them. I know a few more things, I can’t explain everything yet...

- En why's that

- Because I cant understand myself..

- Theft, leave him alone, can't you see he is in pain?

- Oy I can see.

- Then stop it, we still need to find out why machines changed him like so and why did they rebuild your


- It seems fine, maybe even better than the last one, still clumsey tho.

- Your not the type that would get emotionally involved even with your own hand....

- So wa, I lost it, got a new one. Dat's all.

- Ugh..

- Stop it. Don’t push this. Last thing we need is to get separated. We need to work together in order to

survive and explain all this.

- Were just like ya boss man, kept in the dark for ages, not to know a thing

- I understand, yet I carry no answers. For what I have been told mostly seems a lie. *sound of pain and

machinery* Gaaaah!

- Yo, you ok?

- Are you alright??

- Just... Just let me rest.




My comrades are asleep. I, my body wishes not to. I feel an urge to do things that I have never done before. I remember such things that even a serial murder would wish not to. No urge to sleep. I feel so full. Like my stomach was about to burst and cover the earth with all the flesh I’m composed of. I think I’m going to puke.... Gaaah.... This metal shell that covers me. What’s going on? Why have I been punished like so? *A moment of pause* I have many sins. Some I did commit. Others did not. Every time you kill there’s another you. The bad side to blame. People who haven't done it, wouldn’t understand. Now I look into the darkness, listen to my body, the silent breath. Sad. When I was still back at my unit, I wished to get out. I did what I was told. ... When I achieved my goal, I found no other, now I’m driven by pure curiosity. What else is left to a man like me? Or used to be man. Methriel once said that people didn’t live in bunkers. They had homes and gardens. Home would be a word for an over ground structure. A habitat of sorts. Garden as I was told was a botanically rich area. I’ve seen the pictures in the books. I saw them burn. I wonder what was the world before war. Corruption, billions of people, each oddly alone. There was joy but also it was easier to hide ones sins. There was so much of it that I can’t even begin to describe. I wish not to. All tho to those who look from the past, our life is as low as it gets. I am quite found of what I have achieved. Life is more simple. Basicly you know whose your enemy. Back then it was not so easy I guess, with all the people, with all the emotion...




After a day of walking around the area we were spawned in I’ve noticed no tracks but those of wilderness. I managed to find one lost soldier. He has been overtaken by madness. Blind, without both legs, cawling, feeding on dirt and rottening. He was repeating the same thing over and over "Help me, Nick, I’m over here, can’t you see me? No don’t leave me, don’t!!". His body was shaking as if in agony, spasm after a spasm. I’ve searched him, no map, no ID, just some military equipment. To no use. Damaged. We left him alone, in silence...




We mange to reach what was of a huge town, the center was sterilized. Nothing to look at but melted steel and everything that was not concrete or metal, vaporized. There were people living there. The outskirts. Seemed like a small fortress, one half broken skyscraper was fortified, there were piles of rubble strategically placed around that camp. I knew we were not dealing with just some survivors. Using Thefts IR scope I managed to see humanoid creatures there. It was worth a try, our food stock was running low since there wasn’t much to hunt in these areas, just those cursed mole rats.




The people living here accepted us with open hostility. In those times it’s no wonder. Only machines do not hide, therefore who is unknown and not hiding is dead. Others hide, like the Shusts, the creatures seem to know when somebody is near. That’s how most rookies got limbless. Hiding is an aggressive action so guns will fire upon you. Bad luck. After few minutes and four casualties Methriel gave away her position. They stopped shooting hearing a human voice. We offered a deal. They let us stay, we defend them. Simple. I had to take Methriels cloak to cover myself. Seeing me after you’ve ever met with a machine is your worst nightmare. The leader here is Arugula. An ex soldier. Just a regular grunt. Nothing special. He speaks of a Great War raging over power plant nr. 4. He’s an NA soldier. The Nations Army is much bigger then the UEA I served in. The NA is a military organization that has the key to Eden. It has been exposed number of times. Arugula gave me a disc...

*blip*[The recording shows some big hall, black basalt floor, the walls wooden, a big logo of NA showing few soldiers in a line. Many officials in tuxes and military officers *Today, Ladies and Gentlemen, we have the honor to present the Eden’s key! (Applause) The key has been kept in our most secure base for generations. Now all we have to do is to claim what is rightfully ours. Of corse except the Sons of Earth (SE) which is our main enemy, there will be minor fractions like United Empire Array and many others *Those bastard, they knew?* which will be trying to access the power plants and retrieve the key. Their efforts will be crushed under my new leadership, a leadership of peace to our people, a leadership that will lead to a new era. The end of the war. Gates to Eden!* the camera then shows a sort of a suitcase which is half open and inside you can see various crystals] *blip*

- Hmm, Is something bothering you leper boy?

- Just watching your archives.

- Hmm, whom were you fighting for?

- What’s the concern?

- You should know, that we don’t likely talk to strangers, you, you might be a scout right? I no.

- I’m just passing by, let us rest, trade weapons for food and were going away.

- Hmm ya, ya you might go, you might trade, but me, I'll be keeping my eye on you.

- Let it be....




We spent two days in this camp. They had light, the glowing tree as some call it. It’s quite dangerous to have those here. Strange they managed to survive with those on their hands. The light attracts things. And the tree? It’s a carnivore. It feeds of flesh by catching you unaware, letting you fall into the pool of acids it made under your feet. Another rookie killer. The light is weak, and the stench is almost impassible, as if wrapping around you, almost solid... This place isn’t safe either. It's full of traps set by those who live here, an ex unit of grunts and a few tag alongs. If they survive fine. If not, not my concern. We’ve got what we need and people started looking strange at me. I do make odd sounds and I do not sleep. If you ask me this thing here is nothing to last long. Were going deeper into the city,

- Oy boss man, what’s yer status there laddie?

- It's ok, I can handle myself Theft. Just keep you eye out for the trees.

- Yeh I lost my bro to one of those when I was five.

The city is either dead or watching. You can sometimes see eyes in the darkness. I know few people who went mad thinking that someone was watching them all the time.




After two days of travel when we were camping Arugula found us, covered in blood, not his. I wanted to shoot him but Methriel said no. Fair by me. But I’m sure he would shoot if he was in my place.

- Ya man, I’m gonna kill you! Kill you me say! You brought those with you

He tossed a metallic object

- You killed me friends, you have to....

He didn’t finish. I put a bullet through his skull. The rest had to accept my choice. It was already done.

- Why?

- He was trouble, that thing he was holding is no coincidence, that’s a military STT (Self Targeting

Transmitter), a homing or a calling device. And he, himself, from those

wounds he should be dead. I'll go and get his body, Theft cover me!

- Oy!

- Methriel get you med pack, I want to know what kept him running

- Your a real monster sometimes...

- That’s what keeps me alive.




His body was not quite normal, he was in a zombie state as Methriel called it. A dead body that kept moving by electric shocks generated by a small machine inside his chest. And the STT, still working. We decided to camp setting up multiple traps....




The first thing that came that night was a lone scout droid. Of corse we knew that if we blast him this place either will be swarming with retrieval droids or nothing will happen. Not taking the risk. We watched as the droid went to the body, looked at it, and from the 10th floor of a skyscraper I saw the light, it moved, it searched. I knew it. All tho I somehow wanted to destroy it, there was a part that said no. It went away. Then a human came, first reaction, a shot. Both Theft and I shot. His head was blown off. Immediately we went over his body, just a flare, some food on which fungus was feasting and a knife. Other than that he was clean. Wrong choices are made.




Thefts dead. I’ve never encountered a beast like that. All pale white, layers of thick skin, no eyes, wide armed with razor sharp teeth. Not much you could say but it was 5 floors big. It took a lot of pepper to bring it down. It all started when we were hunting mole rats, the critters reach your knees and that’s top. Something else hunted them too. At first we thought that’s it's a normal rat race. They travel that way. But we were wrong. There was an odd deep growling sound. When Theft was coming back ... we saw him flying many meters into the air, screaming. The beast ran over to Theft as he was shooting towards it. But with its mass, our bullets were too small. Theft got decapitated and eaten. There was nothing we could do. When it went away I found Methriel, all crying and shivering. her eyes were empty, just like the eyes other who lost their mind to the darkness. I took her hand and helped her to get up. She was all shaking, sad, unresponsive. There was no choice but to go. Such things happen. To all of us. The darkness is great and unexplored. Where humans who think they are civilized set mine fields, guard posts and hide behind the machine fence from the outside world. The last thing we heard was a roar of agony. Then we decided it's time to run...




Methriel, me, the radiation. Don’t know how but I know how many rads are there. I know that the main fuel rod storage is smashed open. Probably that’s supposed to keep everyone out of here. My thoughts are running ... Why would somebody do such a thing? Unless they are hi tech.. The golem. Yes it is a chance but we lost Theft. I still hear the scream, snap, and the horrible silence that resulted later on. I think I can try and go in, with this exoskeleton of mine. If I can risk leaving her alone... again.




*Some unclear noises, very blurred speech and silence*




*Some unclear noises, very blurred speech and silence*




Finally the rads worn off. They kept my data pad in a shock state. Unfunctional. I’m fine. I was in the power plant. Nobody was there, just as a planet of ghosts. I found traces of massive assaults but definitely that damage to the storage was not accidental. And it was done after the shooting ended. The computers there were offline. Most damaged, yet one kept running, displayed various information of witch origin or purpose I knew nothing. The core is running, the machine-implanted memory helped me... a lot. The rads are going wild, I’ve been glowing for two days almost. The whole thing adds a hellish glow to the darkness that surrounds it. A desolate, cold wasteland. Methriel on the other hand still is sick from the radiation, all sleepy, always tired, some skin burns. I hope that she will make it. Please...




*Blip* [Camera shows a big fireplace made from various bodies, animal corpses, human corpses, everything that lives, around it there are robe dressed monks, their faces have no eyes, ripped out. Some have eyelids stitched together. There are some ritual cuts on their cheeks, they all seem the same. They chant something and behind them there is a field of old half broken skyscrapers. One of them seems to be converted into a bloody church, also some odd-looking animals are there, sort of a huge hairless dog/spider mix with chitin armor.]*Blip* This is for future generations to see... what has happened of those who dwell in the deeps.




That church was full of sadistic fanatics, I saw them torturing humans and animals alike, eating their eyes, ripping their genitalia out. All live. They have filled me with hatred and shame for my own kind. What’s that Great War in comperation to those personal tragedies? I still wonder what I should do. Luckily for me, there seems to be a battlefield near us. Machines. Hopefully they saw my flare...




After we went through the battlefield, what the animals didn’t eat, what was not rotten, destroyed or already stolen, we took it. As follows: Four food rations, each for seven days. Two functional flash/bang grenades, batteries, we needed those. Furthermore, one large med pack. Nothing more was there. We have to preserve ammunition and batteries. What’s to come is to come. Were on our way to the second generator.



In the darkness, I saw him, Theft, running around, hiding, following us. At first I thought it was just me, an illusion, no sleep, so much have been seen. But no, Methier felt watched so I decided to take him out, he was dead already. When I punched him I saw blood, saw that he is flesh and flesh is he. I asked him if it was he, he didn’t remember anything. I explained, he denied it all; he said the same story about himself as he did the last time.. Something was wrong, he’s arm, the one he lost and gained from the machines. It was on its place but it was also pure flesh, I broke it, I know. The question is, how come he is dressed in the same way as before and that he does not remember us... What’s wrong? No creature I know can morph into humans, the darkness holds many secrets, he’s one of them. He will stay. I do not sleep. He does.




Now I know. I sleep. I do not know when or how. I know I have memory gaps, or maybe is it something taking over me? Theft seems to be fine. I think he might be who he thinks he is, I hear voices, not whispers, not sentences, but choirs that give me music. A music that resonates within my head like a cannon's shot in the darkness. Then they turn into silence, so empty...




The days pass by. We travel, we fight, we hunt. We are hunted. Methriel is still half mad, she sometimes stares into the darkness, points a finger and says "There". At firs I got up and went scouting, I thought she did something. On occasion she sings, with a voice that chills me to the bone. A voice of a dying child. Theft is quiet, he does not trust us. I do not blame him. He’s free to go. There are things that I feel. Things I cant explain, I feel as if the whole darkness around us will engulf us at a loss of the last battery. That’s soon, too soon.




We went far. We are at some ruined camp. Those who inhabited are long dead. Bleached bones, rusted items and long gone campfire. We managed to salvage few glowing funguses. Not much, pretty deadly. They feast upon your flesh. After few days of carrying them you’ll be glowing yourself, they will grow on you and into you, many may be in pain. To some, it’s nothing. It's empty, cold, we must be near one of the main air ducts. The wind is very strong, I’ve seen many objects flying away. The air is no longer a stagnated stench, but a breath that carries the smell of wet ground. They say that the air ducts are important. They provide the oxygen. Bullshit. As a commando I took many of them out and still our enemies did not suffocate. The air comes form elsewhere....




We have to walk around the air duct, the wind is too strong, we were thrown by it various times. Theft broke a rib and left us off. He said were madmen looking for death. He does not believe our story. Let the darkness give peace to him.




The last battery is dead. It might be that so are we. With no light our only line of vision is the fungous. But we threw it out. I don’t want to risk Methriels health. She suffered enough because of me. Sometimes I think I see things passing, I hear, I feel, yet my eyes remain shut, I must protect her.


First day of rest. Free from the agendas, propaganda and war itself. For a moment at least. Strange, this long destroyed bridge, eternal darkness and musky smell of air. But the horror of my teammates still chases me. Probably someone will find this data pad someday. Maybe I should explain. Ah for fuck sake, there’s a war going on! Burned corpses, dying soldiers, raging machines. Don't think it’s just us versus the metal men. It's man against man, machine against machine. Quite sad someone said. Not me, I was born and trained here. The propaganda says that if we activate four main generators, the lift to the hatch will be activated and the war will end. What's the lift? An old artifact of sorts. See, we live underground, in huge long destroyed cities. Fuck, I don't even remember who and why started this damned war. I just keep on fighting. It's always dark, unless you have a flare, flashlight or you’re near machine camps, there’s no light. If you walk this land, everywhere, corpses, dying people, traps, and concrete blocks. I just keep wondering why the machines keep pumping air here, we could just die and rest in peace. But we live, we push on. For Eden. That’s what's supposed to be outside. *sight* I just hope to gather a crew and try to do something myself. The problem is, when something that looks humane starts to move, the first reaction is too pull the trigger, both sides. The doctrines, all useless. Young kids indoctrinated and sent into the meat grinder. Damn.. It’s cold, again -5C. I've got few flares left, no water or food. I'll have to hunt. If not the few animals or supplies, then humans. Damn, I hear the search party, too bad.




I'm wounded. Bloody hell. I'm not the prettiest of sights now. Covered with frost, blood and dressed in old military like rags. Sometimes I think I should be dead. I just slaughtered four young kids. Just a bunch of brats who got their guns and orders. Were soldiers. That’s it. Nothing personal. Luckily for me they had food and clothing, most important - flashlights and guns. There’s no robot activity in this area. That’s good. To take one down costs a lot of effort. Besides I think I saw one of those "travelers" camps. A gathering of dying people without purpose. Oddly enough, they will die as soon as the "law" enforcement will find them. I hate those creatures myself. But I pity them, as I am now soon to be one of them. Skinny, with dead like eyes, all pale white and yet covered with filth, mud and wounds that wish not to heal. They are one of the sins of war.




Don't have much time, I'm being chased, found someone who's willing to help. I'm still alive.




Many days have passed since I've been living like a zombie, full of anger and pain, not able to express anything. I was out cold. Hard to admit that life is still mine because of a random stranger. With another search party being my back and under gunfire, it’s a miracle to even find somebody. The partisans hide in the ruins, creatures fade to dark and machines are not here. She’s beautiful. I haven't seen many women, maybe that’s it. Also like me a runaway special unit. Strange, it would seem that the better trained we are, the higher we go, the more we understand of the nonsense that is being told and of what's going on. Her name is Methriel. Now it's time to heal, rest a bit and try to survive. I'm lying on a tent next to a pillar. The pillars are humongous structures, about 7000 meters tall and as well thick you might say. The hold the ceiling. Why haven't they been blown up? Don't know and to all you smart ass scientists, we can’t dig out because we don't have the equipment, nor the possibility. There are no safe places here...




*distant gunshot sounds**yell "forward men!"**footstep sounds* Hey guys ! Look what I've found! *loud, near gunshot sound and a scream of pain*



A day. Day of blood. My gun is still carrying the gun smoke. The pad, all blood. Putting a bullet through mans head isn't so difficult as it may seem. The pursuers are dead. All blood. Another pile of corpses to decay and feed the rats. I think they will outcome us all. As for Methriel, I gave her a gun. Not a wise choice since everybody is everyone enemy. I’m still alive yet I need still some time to cover my wounds. But no time is available, there’s just death and tension in-between. Even the ground seems to smell like corpses, even more and more... In the days to come I have many things to do. All my military training can not go to waste. Time to change things and repay those bastards. For all they did to my men... and me. Maybe I should have been executed... maybe... Now I have a new order. My own.




Some time has passed, I feel like a beaten down dog. Always on the hunt, always on the lookout. Some things have changed. We have gotten to an area unmarked on maps. Deserted. Not even a single soldier or a machine. No Ghouls, no humans. This place is dead as it can be. Methriel said that this is what they call death zones. the old name for it is the City. She convinced me to scavenge here for a while and so we did. Found some batteries, which will come in handy. Old cars, buildings. No weapons. No bodies. Odd. After some time we saw light. I went for a scout, probably the machines. There was no security but I've felt watched. Maybe it's what they call a post war syndrome. The place had doors, wooden ones. Stairs and just one floor. Undamaged by the war. There was either fire or electricity inside. Can use both. No drones, no sentries. I want inside only to find a lot of paper. Useless to me but after my report Methriel said that it is to great importance that we stay in there. We did. She grasped paper like it would be food for a starving man. I didn’t see anything special in it. She did. She was reading. When she took one of the books about two hours later from our entering, she was terrified and yelled to run. I saw no sentry yet I knew she was right. After we went far away I saw the building go either stealth or disappear. She had a backpack of books and I had a question. I don’t believe in demons nor in ghosts. I’ve killed many people and none of them ever haunted me back.




When the orders end then the thinking starts. While she was asleep I went back to the Death zone. I SAW THE BUILDING> All dark, old and ruined. The doors were shot whit a grenade launcher I think. Inside nothing but ashes and rotten books. There was no ceiling. I felt odd, like something inside shook. The building was no longer solid so I left. I took a walkabout and searched through the area. Found nothing of use. Nothing more than an old newspaper. I was old. About fifty years. I had no knowledge of this language but I’m more than sure that Methriel would want this. I took it and left. On my way out I felt watched. I went into a building and was on the lookout for the whole night. Nothing happened. When the data pad shoed that it's 6 in the morning I went to her.




We are running out of water.




I saw fear in her eyes as the last of humanity mayhap died in her. As a soldier I have no regrets of what I forced her to do. It was a necessity. Since we had no water, I’ve hunted down some ghouls and let their blood fill up our flasks. Its not the best but it will do. I kept her in the dark till she finished drinking, she never saw what it was. I told her. She almost puked. Sad. Later on she was beating me with her arms telling me I’m a monster, I could not deny it.




I showed Methriel the newspaper. She sad it’s too old to read but she managed to take out some words about a place, a base. I checked with my maps. No record of it exists. Its about two weeks away from here. If it has ammunition, food or water it's worth going to. All tho... the power plants in nearby area are still active. Machines would be on our necks. Fight, win, prevail.




Seems like the place is deserted *mechanical sounds*




The...shhhhhhh..... arth......shhhh...... ork... shhhhh. ok. This should do it. Damned thing got blasted. The machines awoke as if somehow they knew we were coming. I saw something strange, they dragged dead bodies. To what use I don’t know. Neither the uniforms they had on them. The further I go the more I realize that the world as it was presented as safe and controlled is a lie. That we, the UEA have not been the strongest force. Not here. The main lift might be a lie. Who are my enemies now? I know I have to protect her; she’s my teammate now. When I look at her scared face and clothes drenched in blood and dirt. I think she’s... No I am a soldier. I cant think of things like that. She’s KO for now. We owe our lives to Theft as he calls himself. I do not know his intentions but I know he’s a pro sniper. Either I take him down, take his NV goggles and IR scope or... Lets just see what happens. We shared food. For now, I’m watching him.




Theft seems to be all right. During our trip has been more than useful as a scout. He will work for us as long as we have food. I don’t like that kind of view. For me he’s a potential enemy. Methriel seems to trust him, as he’s good with forgotten art of electronics. He seems to know a lot about the machines but nothing that would give us a clue to their intentions or reason why they are here. And... "hey!" Theft what are you doing here? "What do you think? It's bloody dark and I need a battery to keep my NGs working ya know." Here, take one "Hey, is that e data pad? Oy, haven’t seen those in ages, lemme get a look" With an intention of? "Oy, I can work magic with thos lil bastards." Here, if it dies, so might you "What’s with teh grumpiness all of a sudden? It's gonna be fine."




The data pad was hacked by Theft, a lot of information was uncovered. Locations of UEA bases. Tactical data. It seems that UEA was fighting with some strange half human half-machine abominations and that it was just a matter of time for them to get overruned. That’s why they recruited kids like John. Poor kid. Barely held a rifle and didn’t even get a chance to fire. I still see his legless torso crawling in agony. The troopers went over him, so did I. Sad. That’s the fate to all of us. We managed to get some fusion cells out of the sentry droids that we destroyed but something is bothering me, how did they know we were coming. And what’s with the attempt to say "Drop your weapons? Afar as the history goes no machine ever attempted to talk. One more day and were at the base the newspaper spoke of. (The article "Hideous Truth")




It took four days to even find entrance to the base. No sentinels spotted ... yet. I’m more than sure that they patrol this area as well. The entrance was breached, laser cutters. From what we now know he’s hunted. He’s afraid and hungry. He came from the north. He was hiding in one of the old buildings. Armed just with a shiv. He seems terrorized, Methriel patched him up and I ordered Theft to shoot him at the first sign of any unknown disease or aggression. For now he’s safe...




*Blip, the camera turns on*[ and records a search light and something like a tank, yet with no cannon moving around making hellish noises]"oy, this is bad idea to film those things..."[a sentry drone appears, like a hovering spider with no head and a very egg shaped torso, all silver metallic and with red light along the sides and one main search light, the camera then moves to show Theft, a man dressed in a old destroyed long leather coat, short brown hair, a rifle over his back and NV goggles put on. Then it moves to Methriel, a well built tall woman dressed in some rags, with very long pony tail dark hair and finally Jacob, a man with glasses, very small frame, a white lab coat all stained with his own blood and covered with dirt, multiple cuts, all sweaty, short dark hair, looking like he just saw a ghost, hyperventilating. Blip, the camera turns off]*sounds of machinery and some odd bass humm* Move out, Methriel take Jacob, Theft move with Methriel, were pulling back, now.




We have been captured by the machines. Now we are sitting in an all-clean, steel room, just one door. And this horrifying white light. For most of us, darkness dwellers it's somewhat of pain. Theft has lost an arm. They took him, I do not know where too. Methriel is with me but they shot Jacob on sight. Strange, instead of just killing him his body was pulverized by a barrage of bullets. Ripped to shreds. Never before did I encounter needles brutality form the machines. All we can do is wait. Disarmed, separated...




Theft is returned, naked but with an arm back in its place. Artificial one. Seems like the machines care for us after all. Theft says he saw some strange things. Not really sure which one was a dream and which one reality. He talks about machines performing various operations on well-bred humans such as myself. All the darkness dwellers are used as meat and undergo most horrid ones, as I understood from his description. I’m suppressed he’s alive. He’s not a pure breed. ^Umnz bee prpd frr the upld yf mmr^ "What the hell was that?" ....




Were back on the wasteland. I don’t understand. The machines came, patched my teammates up. But I was put through pain, a pain of which I had no idea that could exist. They put electroshock through my brain. I reminded myself of strange things, things I was not only not aware of but also memories that were not mine. I now know the exact location of some machine camps. I know the layout of power plants one and four. They do exist! I know where the lift is. I know more but at what a cost.... by skin has been removed, some of my muscle tissue and all of my bones.... My bones are now ... I don’t really know I might just assume, metal. My skin is. I have various implants, a Serial number as well... Unit 217. They have put us to sleep and tossed out. We don’t really know where we are. Not the place we used to be at that’s for sure.

- Boss man, you look like one of them, how can we be sure you wont kill us with teh first chance ey?

- I’m not one of them. I know few more things, I cant explain everything yet...

- En whys that?" Because I cant understand myself…

- Theft, leave him alone, can’t you see he’s in pain?

- Oy I can see.

- Then stop it, we still need to find out why machines changed him like so and why did they rebuild your


- It seems fine, maybe even better than the last one, still clumsy tho

- Your not the type that would get emotionally involved even with your own hand....

- So wa, I lost it, got a new one. Dats all.

- Ugh.." Stop it. Don’t push this. Last thing we need it's to get separated. We need to work together in

order to survive and explain all this.

- Were just like ya boss man, kept in the dark for ages, not to know a thing

- I understand, yet I carry no answers. For what I have been told mostly seems a lie. *sound of pain and

machinery* Gaaa!

- Yo, you ok?

- Are you all right?

- Just... Just let me rest.




My comrades are asleep. I, my body wishes not to. I feel an urge to do things that I have never done before. I remember such things that even a serial murder would wish not to see. No urge to sleep. I feel so full. Like my stomach was about to burst and cover the earth with all the flesh I’m composed of. I think I’m going to puke.... Gaaah.... This metal shell that covers me. What’s going on? Why have I been punished like so? *A moment of pause* I have many sins. Some did I commit. Others did not. Every time you kill there’s another you. The bad side to blame. People, who wouldn’t have done it, would not understand. Now I look into the darkness, listen to my body, the silent breath. Sad. When I was still back at my unit, I wished to get out. I did what I was told. ... When I achieved my goal, I found no other, now I’m driven by pure curiosity. What else is left to a man like me. Or used to be man. Methriel once said that people didn’t live in bunkers. They had homes and gardens. Home would be a word for an over ground structure. A habitat of sorts. Garden as I was told was a botanically rich area. I’ve seen the pictures in the books. I saw them burn. I wonder what was the world before war. Corruption, billions of people, each oddly alone. There was joy but also it was easier to hide ones sins. There was so much of it that I can’t even begin to describe. I wish not to. All tho to those who look from the past our life is as low as it gets. I am quite found of what I have achieved. Life is more simple. Basically you know whose your enemy. Back then it was not so easy I guess, with all the people, with all the emotion...




After a day of walking around the area we were spawned in, I’ve noticed no tracks but those of wilderness. I managed to find one lost soldier. He has been overtaken by madness. Blind, without both legs, crawling, feeding on dirt and rottening. He was repeating the same thing over and over "Help me, Nick, I’m over here, can’t you see me? No don’t leave me, don’t!!". I’ve searched him, no map, no ID, just some military equipment. To no use. Damaged. We left him alone, in silence...




We managed to reach a leftover of a huge town, the center was sterilized. nothing to look at but melted steel and everything that was not concrete or metal, vaporized. There were people living there. The outskirts. Seemed like a small fortress, one half broken skyscraper was fortified, there were piles of rubble strategically placed around that camp. I knew we were not dealing with just some survivors. Using Thefts IR scope I managed to see humanoid creatures there. It was worth a try, our food stock was running low since there wasn’t much to hunt in these areas, just those cursed mole rats.




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Tworca ukladow galaktycznych

Dołączył: 02 Lis 2006
Posty: 684
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Skąd: Darkness

musze sie chyba zaczac uczyc Razz

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Dołączył: 07 Lis 2006
Posty: 136
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Ostrzeżeń: 0/5
Skąd: Neitherworld

Czego sie uczyc i to w woli czego ?

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Ire's Corner of Oddities
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